
Having lived in a technically co-ed dorm that was in reality 80% female, I can say with certainty that taping a "LADIES" sign over the bathrooms works gloriously.

I seriously fail to understand why "PREGNANT WOMAN GAINS WEIGHT" is still the kind of thing that makes headlines. I feel like I'm reading the fucking Onion with these tabloids.

Or, the big evil dragon is eating so much of Mr. Penny's money that there's none left for Mr. Lizard and Mr. Salamander to eat... #betteranalogy #kindof

I mean, I agree that a dragon eating money is probably bad.

OK so maybe this is a lost cause, but:

But Jesus didn't say "give money to charity if you feel like it." The Bible gives me the impression Jesus considered helping the poor pretty mandatory (call it welfare or charity or what have you)

Leeeeeetle tiny pretzels

But thinking about their kids snowboarding doesn't make parents feel quite so icky. I think that's literally the deciding factor here.

Yep, my mom didn't want me to get the vaccine because she was afraid it would make me think I could have "sex without consequences." As if HPV were the one "consequence" that had been keeping me from having sex. You know, not like

I was sixteen when this vaccine first hit the market and I had to do some serious persuading to get my mom to allow me to get it. She (a very reasonable self-proclaimed feminist and general believer in science for the record) was afraid getting a HPV vaccine would make me think I could have "sex without consequences."

Kinja rewards controversy. Trolls rule. That's the problem.

"THE LEAF WANTS TO CREATE ITS OWN ILLUSIONS" this sounds like something I would say out loud if I were on some kind of serious hallucinogenic drugs.

I dunno, I had a "boyfriend" in fifth grade and he and I have both turned out pretty OK... and anyway, any type of sexual policing leaves a bad taste in my mouth


I am taylor swift's age, and I'm EXACTLY this earnest and self-centered. People are too hard on her. We're young and silly and we're going to pretend our moms are being antifeminist because they won't let us stay out after 2am.

I'm defending the Onion tweet. If they'd called baby Dakota Fanning a cunt however many years ago, I would have laughed (as I did about Wallis). The point I saw them making was "Look, we all think this girl is the sweetest most adorable little munchkin on the planet. Let's say the complete opposite and be shocking."

Agreeeeeed so hard. Eat me! I'm a lady!

I don't think those two ideas are incompatible. Kids have no self control and will misbehave by default, which is WHY we need parental intervention to, like, keep them from doing that all the time.

I agree with your larger point, but that's a little harsh. Parents aren't trying to be assholes or sadists or anything. Usually most of them are just trying to do what their parents did right and not do what their parents did wrong and it all gets messed up in the process.

I have never ever met a tween who I would consider 'under control'