The “Chickens” episode did such a wonderful job of posing these questions as pointedly as possible, then leaving them horribly unaddressed.
The “Chickens” episode did such a wonderful job of posing these questions as pointedly as possible, then leaving them horribly unaddressed.
If you’re mad at Kanye for calling you a bitch, you can be mad at the alt-right for calling you a white supremacist queen. That’s a much worse thing to be called!
So I read this article the other day, “Blank Space: Taylor Will Not - And Should Not - Solve Your Donald Trump Anxiety,” and it made some interesting points about this whole Taylor Swift thing, particularly that this kind of “celebrity politics” is what helped create Trump, by giving credibility to celebrities just…
You know when someone criticizes you and it’s exactly what you’ve been thinking about yourself and you’re like really angry about it?
“Speak now/if the white supremacists are using you as a symbol for hate” would be a good way to sum up the thread…
I got stuck doing two “code red” (meaning an active threat is in the building) trainings this year and all we learned was how to barricade yourself and how to safely evacuate.
Stop it with this “I can’t afford healthcare” bullshit.
You can make the argument that Valencia enabled/treated Josh like a child. Maybe without her he’ll grow up some more. Or maybe get worse.
I know I shouldn’t love Greg but he gave me my anthem “Settle for me” and for that I love him
They’re both very flawed. Team Darryl & White Josh 4 Lyfe!
I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”
Hm. I was thinking it was so common in horror movies because it’s so common in real life? Every woman I know has been sexually assaulted in one way or another.
“What I did over my summer vacation: an essay by T. Nugent. This summer I learned macrame like a total fucking gaylord...”
In that they are two similarly middle-aged white men who feel they should be the only one allowed to talk ever... yes.
Yeah, my dad was the one who took it upon himself to try to get me to develop an eating disorder at puberty (which, despite my overall mental shakiness, I somehow never did - probably because by that time I already knew he was an asshole). He would comment on how big my chest was (like I could do anything about that),…
My god I am so sorry for your loss, and that your grandmother behaved in such a heinous fashion. I can’t believe she thought that in a car ON THE WAY TO YOUR SISTER’S FUNERAL was a good time for fat shaming (not that there is ever a good time, but, jesus christ, this might be the worst time).
While I was getting in the car to go to my little sister’s funeral...
“Imagine her as a faceless orifice, a sex doll to be used in your Christian ejaculatory efforts.”