
Yeah, that’s what this sure looks like to me. Bad casting. Sure bad castings happen, but how often do you hear about them happening on safety-critical automotive components these days? Never, right? Normal companies take care to make sure that they get their castings right every time. Tesla is the kind of company that

Yeah, it should have a warranty.....which Tesla is not honoring on the repair.

Also, the issues are so widespread in Teslas, this is a thing at this point. Not an isolated incident.


I’m assuming you’re just making a joke, but the guy had a problem. He needed to cut out a substance that was causing him harm. If he had a compulsive need to consume the beverages despite knowing the harm it was causing him, it’s technically an addiction. And he was having a hard time breaking that addiction. Kudos to

“5th Gear: Should GM Be Called Ultium?”

I buy new cars, and I won’t buy one without a manual.

I would love to see a listing for one of these.

The only vehicle in this whole list that’s actually interesting is the Crossfire, because it’s a weird vehicle that’s not totally ugly, totally awful or totally busted.

Pretty sure everything left in Tracy’s yard is more reliable than any Ural. Desire at your own risk

The worst part is that there appears to be no blackout shade on it. I think I would feel like an ant under a magnifying glass on a hot day.

I really really REALLY did not want to go to my 10-year high school reunion, so I asked a stripper to go and pretend to be me and I filmed the whole thing. You can watch a long or a short version at It’s been 15 years and my classmates are still complaining about it on Facebook. And there

According to whom?  F1?  You have thousands of people moving across borders in the middle of a pandemic.  and for what?  something that’s barely even a real season.

To be frank - I don’t think they should be doing any racing, anywhere.  This is quite literally the organized transportation of vectors between one jurisdiction and another - that’s absolutely unnecessary and frivolous.  Put this season away and start planning for 2021

10 year high school reunion out in my boonies hometown. Traveled in from another state. Like 15 people showed up. We all got too drunk and decided to go to the local strip club. Not only were people we graduated with working at the strip club, my high school nemesis and his wife invited me to enjoy a lap dance with

Wait ... people actually go to those things ??? I’m grateful for the education I received in school but I am not paying money to hang out with any of my former classmates. 

Look, I don’t care where they tell it as long as it gets told. 

A shopper has to wear a mask for the time it takes to shop. A worker has to wear a mask for hours and hours. . . so it is a little different if a worker needs a breather, especially if they are stocking shelves or something else physical.

Are you purposely putting the rear wheel in the wrong place to screw with my head??