
Plenty of people, stop being a dick and look outside once in a while.

Anywhere else it’s just sparkling stellantis. 

No idea about the Norwegian wood. But I do build a lot of things out of Swedish chip wood. They hold up ok, as long as you don’t move it from where it was originally placed.

I’m no engineer, in fact I failed out of Engineering school, but it looks to me like all the diagonals go the same direction, while if you look at the chart of trusses they all have diagonals going in different directions.

Anti-abortion “rights”?  Isn’t that just... not having one?

I feel like there’s some sort of symbolism in a man climbing a giant ball to raise money for organizations that tell women what they can’t do with their own bodies… 

I make regular trips to border towns for work and my MAGA relatives are always highly concerned about my safety while I’m always excited for the awesome tacos and neat architecture of the different towns.

Hoo hoo! Big birthday blowout!

To be fair, it’s not very hard to find a reason to hate Elon Musk these days.  He’s such a twat.

He had 2 good ideas:

What successful companies? Tesla has completely squandered their head-start in the EV market, doesn’t have anything new, has quality-control issues, faces multiple lawsuits for discrimination in the workplace, and is now under investigation for Autopilot and Full Self Drive. SpaceX keeps blowing up their newest

Musk is such a petty piece of shit. He has the brain of a 10-year-old.

what the hell is going on with this mans facial hair?

cars shouldnt have apps in the first place, but other than that shes right.

Good!  Touchscreen hvac controls need to be banned.


I watched this on a flight home from London in November of 1990. My 3-years-younger brother next to me getting way too into the film when Cole completed the pass to win, my brother leapt from his seat and shouted ‘YES’ so loudly I think the passengers upstairs in the 747 heard him. 

Best Navy Pilot Recruiting Film ever made.

This is a terrible take. You’re comparing using a touchscreen while stationary to using a touchscreen while barreling down at highway or driving through a neighborhood with other cars and pedestrians.

*.* and get off my lawn.