
Fake hair, incapable of answering a direct question and full of hot air?

Muslims have been in this country since before it was created, fuck you. There’s strong evidence that at least some Muslims in the Revolutionary Army, and they didn’t fight for freedom so you can shit all over their religion. 

Syria is one of the ‘whitest brown countries’ (pardon my generalization) and have one of the largest Christian populations. Every syrian I know is Christian and looks whiter than my friend Mike. Also they are refugees BECAUSE of ISIS and radical Islam, among other things. Essentially think if you were fleeing a war

You’re a dipshit. I hope you choke to death and your son gets to live with someone that won’t teach them hate.

You pathetic feeble-minded hateful hick. 

Making decisions is gameplay, you tedious cretin. And I don’t have the patience to correct your kneejerk dumbshittery regarding other countries you couldn’t find on a map if your life depended on it. 

Right. Can it even be called a game if you never murder somebody in cold blood? 

why are you so mad though

far because you’ve never left your flyover town

It’s games like this that make me wish there was more of an effort on the part of Nintendo to take whatever wacky proposals they receive and paste lesser developed Mario characters on top and make a game out of it.

Do these cookies have nuts? Asking for an intolerant friend.

There will be lots of really bad hot takes for this, and I am here for it. This cover rules.

You know it’s an accident, because it’s not intendo

Thank god ICE is here to protect us from nerd artists.  They might have drawn a sword on someone.

  This is bordering on LARPing.  And I fucking love it!!!

“I’m stuck in a situation where I have to stay with my family because I’m paying for all these lawsuits and I can’t afford to do that...but they’re cucked,”

> and frequently do that thing where you go one way down a dungeon and after like twenty seconds go “wait, I think this is the critical path, let’s check the other route to make sure I didn’t miss anything.”

As I have Jewish family, I kinda feel obligated to say nah, we’re not there yet.

“If you wanted rights, maybe be born in America with white skin next time.”

A bit of further editorial: Releasing a game is not an apolitical act. Games say things and the things they say often reflect the values of their creators. Intentional or otherwise, conscious or unconscious. Games are released within certain contexts as well; what artists decide to make, says something about their