
Bad enough that it is so long (I do NOT have the time for that, seriously!), it gets worse once you consider the reports of constant crunch, severe mismanagament and other problematic issues at the studio. I kind of dont want to know what it “cost” the devs to create these 500 hours, because it cant have been

Just a Heads Up: An older Version of this game (I assume some kind of Gamejam Version?) Is already available on (last I checked it was Pay what you want). While it is appropriatly short, it offers several new biomes and a pretty tricky challenge and I highly recommend checking it out, I am super excited that

No, I remember it too, sounded like their management is pretty bad, and the general company culture isnt much better.
Found the article:

I really do not want to be “that guy”, but I feel obligated to point out that techland reportedly has a really “problematic” company culture and is a very much a not nice workplace with some serious management issues. (and yes, this is part of the reason why Dying Light 2 has been delayed so much)

I really do not want to be “that guy”, but I feel obligated to point out that techland reportedly has a really “problematic company culture and is a very much a not nice workplace with some serious management issues. (and yes, this is part of the reason why Dying Light 2 has been delayed so much)

PSA for everyone interested: A version of this game is already available on, it has “only” 5 levels, and a pixel artstyle (which is lovely nontheless) but it looks like gameplay will be mostly similar.
Can highly recommend it, wonderful game, becames surprisingly challenging in the later levels!

Ok, maybe its the stupid European in me, or I am trying to understand crazy too much here, but where is the connection between “Dead Babys” and Anti-Vaxx? Wouldnt more vaccinations prevent Dead Babys?

For all the hate Klefki usually gets I honstly always thought that its kind of adorable, if slightly dorky.
Then, I randomly used it to battle my friend who promptly got half his team destroyed by a goddamn keychain! Seriously this thing might not pack a punch, but as a harasser with high survivability it is an utter

As a developer working on a Kickstarter Project in an Indie Studio I can 100% confirm how difficult it is to balance this. Fans & Backers often make good points and have in general good intentions, but you really, REALLY want to avoid this kind of toxic “I WANT THIS NOOOOWWWWW!!!” mentality, because it takes a toll on

While I assumed we would be getting a new Switch sometime this year, my personal bet was more on a Switch Lite or XL, similarly to the DS Lite or the 3DS XL. No changes to hardware & capabilities, but lots of small QoL improvements, like better/bigger screen, charging port in a better location, improved stand, etc...

Totally agree! One of the reasons I loved Just Cause 3 so much. Yes, technically this game can be repetitive, but a: destruction and movement feel so damn good in this game, and b: the propaganda broadcasts that air whenever you destroy something only get better over time!

Hey Gita, thank you for this (and all the other) amazing pieces!
As a young game dev that is still learning both the job and the industry your articles have helped me more than once to see and understand parts of this amazing medium and communities that I would have overlooked or dismissed otherwise.
Again, thank you,

As someone who is currently finishing up Tokyo Mirage Sessions and being seriously addicted to some of the songs this looks like a must buy for me! Both the super stylish visuals and even more the catchy songs!

The most galling thing about this is the obvious inherent sexism in many of those arguments. If she had been male she would be lauded as heroic and brave, standing up against her own party in a difficult situation, principled and unbending to partisanship, the ever watchful specter of fairness and the rule of law or

They are relatively diverse by todays standards in video games, unfortunatly the latter are so effing low that even the god-damn hamster wouldnt be able to crawl beneath the bar.
Also, as mentioned in the article, this diversity comes with caveats, like the fact that most female heroes look uncomfortably similar, see

Its an incredibly Sakurai thing to do. Its easy to forget with all the different fan demands, but Sakurai usually looks for interesting and unique movesets and not big brand recognition when it comes to new fighters, and Piranha Plant is another perfect example for this.
I love how utterly random and unexpected it is

So I remember making the same mistake...
In my first 3D game ever...
during university...
in third grade...
for jumping only.

Its like one of the most basic lessons you learn in programming, be careful what is bound to framerate, or you will run into some really weird physics bugs very quickly. I cant imagine how Bethesda

You could just have elections on a Sunday.
Like seriously, I dont get how “DE GREETOST DEMUCRATZI IN DE WOUHRLD” has such a ridicoulusly complicated voting system. Different laws in every state, you have the register under specific circumstances and even thn can be turned away, some states allow vote by mail some

Thats the biggest irony.
If the situation was switched around, Ford yelling, demanding, interrupting, asking for affirmation from the people that are supposed to be impartial while attacking half of them and Kavanough being the silent, procedural one that controls his emotions and brought a polygraph test and whatnot,