Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.
Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.
The repubs are awful because they circle the wagons around any of their own being attacked from the outside. But we take the high road, which will always let us look down on the winners with disdain.
A reminder that the Broncos were rather recently Super Bowl champs with a stacked roster and one of the best defenses in the history of the sport. All they needed was a half-decent quarterback, Kaepernick wanted to go there, and Elway was willing to have him. But Elway insisted the Niners pay most of his salary…
Am I the only one who watches that video and thinks that the guy racing the fridge is in on the gag?
It would have to be someone really depraved. Someone who didn’t care if his victims ever saw justice. Someone who put their needs ahead of the women he tortured and abused.
In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks spends four years on an island....alone. When he returns to civilization, his estranged wife notes “We got a football team now.”
“This feels like a good time to mention that the team’s training staff won the Ed Block Courage Award NFL Athletic Training Staff of the Year for 2018.”
Read with all the gravitas of a 2nd grader doing an oral book report in front of the class.
so obviously fuck AD for being a piece of shit (and I don’t feel bad for him at all) but something that dawned on me recently (probably should have a lot sooner) is that owners have every incentive for their athletes to be financially illiterate. When it comes to CBAs the owners are able to beat players during…
In true Dead Letters fashion, the caller ended his rant, “And you better believe I’m calling with a Samsung Galaxy S8+ on Verizon, motherfuckers.”
[writes “37. Lennay Kekua”]
I’m a non-Bostonian Sox fan, and every time I hear some passing reference to something being said on Boston sports talk radio it’s like the worst fucking garbage anyone could imagine. At best it’s only impossibly stupid, but usually it’s also actively malicious.
glad this webstie still supprots the 2nd amendemnt
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
I love listening to you assholes whine. Seriously miserable people.