Suck It, Trebek

Ugh, I’ve never been so glad my MIL doesn’t have a pot to piss in/is completely oblivious and therefore stays the hell out of our life decisions!

The fact that this is coming from the MOG and not the bride should be a huge red flag. I suspect pwoer grab/fuck you to new daughter in law.

I wanted us to dress up as Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers and walk in singing Islands in the Stream.

What I’m dying to know is what does the bride think of this? I am willing to bet this is MOG trying to horn in on planning/insert herself/show her new daughter-in-law that she will not just wear beige and shut her mouth.

Liberated woman here who doesn’t really care to cook and does maybe.01% of the cooking in my household. I CAN follow a recipe and do a perfectly fine job making meals, but my husband actively enjoys cooking so why deny the guy something he a.) likes and b.) is really fucking good at? He, however, will let dishes pile

I guarantee you the bride is making awful demands of her bridesmaids (read: soon-to-be-former friends and whatever female relatives she railroaded into this madness)! They’re all probably on diets and/or being told to grow out their hair or pay for extensions.

This is the correct take.

Imagine what her bridesmaids are going through! She’s probably demanding they all get Brazilians and go on a diet or worse: participate in a choreographed dance routine.

My dad is disabled so you’d think I’d be one of those “every day I can walk is a GIFT” kind of people but I’m so used to taking elevators and using the accommodations reserved for the disabled that I also use the auto door buttons. I’m probably a monster, but whatever.

I say this all the time. It bums me out that my younger coworkers don’t get it.


This is what my dad did except I was basically old enough to be the kid’s mom by the time the little guy showed up. I’m more like a fun aunt who makes fart jokes than a sibling who’s trying to mess with him (ok, I still mess with him) and it’s rad. Of course, my dad was “young dad” with me and was always so smug and

This saddens me greatly. My dad took me to see that movie in the theater when I was 8 (divorced dads make terrible decisions on the weekends) and remains one of our favorites. I’m sure he’s thrilled his little girl references the Triple Lindy to this day.

I am 38 years old and LOSE MY DAMN SHIT when that comes on.

My air drum solos to Heat of the Moment....yep.

Marry me.

I was a cashier at Target (not a bad job in college! although terrifying that I was considered management material after working there a week and not shitting my pants at the register or whatever) and can assure you that all cashiers are just trying to get through the fucking shift and really aren’t taking much notice

Aw, thanks! It was either that or “The Penis Mightier” but that seemed a bit much for a refined lady such as myself.

I often think of an asshole as someone who is aggressive/mean while a douche can be try-hard or loud but maybe just clueless and not necessarily mean.

Yeah, it’ll be interesting to see how/if he overhauls his personality when that goes down. I bet he’ll be vaguely more tolerable in front of bosses but will retain the asshole tendencies. Good luck to you.