Suck It, Trebek

Rarely. My insurance is pretty lame, though.

A couple of possibilities, all of which are pure speculation:

It’s so fucked up to laugh at this but I did.


I forget the exact quote, because I was busy trying to stave off a rage stroke throughout her entire response, but did anyone catch her little comment about gays and freedom of religion?

I loved those chats with my parents as a kid and still love them now with my husband...and my parents, too, come to think of it. One of the things I would do is set up a scholarship fund at my alma maters (high school and university) in my grandparents’ names. They always stressed the importance of an education

100% accurate on all levels. Between the hyperbole and then the freak-out when called on it, it’s like talking to a teenager.

Good for her for calling him out on his shit.

Very similar experience here. I ended up dating the guy for over a year; we even lived together for a few months. We met at a party (our respective best friends were engaged), flirted heavily, drank roughly as heavily into the night, and went back to where I was staying. We were fooling around (which I wanted to do)

Holy shit. That is one fertile dude/couple. Or he lied about the vasectomy. Sorry, I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls and thought of Jackson.

Her first husband was on General Hospital, which makes her comments extra hilarious.

Love your username.

Ha, thanks! Yeah, I keep reading “OMG you guyz, baybeez come from sex!” and yes, I get that, but the sexual exploitation of babies/children is a thing that happens and I get grossed out when people do it for laughs.

I’m right there with you. I guess knowing how gross he is just coats everything in a layer of inappropriate that I - an irreverent, sex-positive woman - can’t help but side-eye SO HARD.

Wow, his girlfriend really has that “dead inside” look, which is I guess how you find yourself carrying his progeny.

I didn’t watch the entire GG’s that closely, and I’ve seen clips/read bits here about the Jenner comments and agree they were offensive. I thought the Ben Affleck and Mel Gibson bits were pretty great, though. Were there other parts where he was offensive? Not just “not funny” but actually awful/low blows? I’m just

You do, but rightfully, justifiably so. Right there with you.

Gold star for that amazing Gone with the Wind reference.

Jesus, the Transbay is like having a car crash happen inside your eardrum. I’m impressed.

I wonder how much of that kid’s concern about the penis was because he also has one. A sister would be like, “Are we seriously going to let this ruin our evening?” Or maybe I’m just the worst big sister ever and my brother should hate me.