Have you read some of the descriptions for some of the costumes that are still there, in particular the American Indian costumes?
Have you read some of the descriptions for some of the costumes that are still there, in particular the American Indian costumes?
I'm not sure what the insides of your pockets contain or what you've been doing to that phone, but that wear is nothing like mine. My black iPhone 5 has been without a case from day one and I'm constantly putting it into my pockets, gym bags, tops of bars, tables, different surfaces and I have almost no marks…
OMG for the 1000th time, please stop using that old picture of Apple Maps from when it was in beta. That same map area looks completely different now. The platform certainly isn't perfect, but they've been doing a lot of work on it.
Not sure if I'm misunderstanding your comment, but Steve Jobs, nor NeXT created Objective-C. The language had been around for a while and was licensed by NeXT, not created by them.
o.0 racist much?
We have legacy applications in our office as well and this presents no issues with iPads. We install an iOS app called "Remote" that allows anyone to RDP into a terminal server that we have here and they can run the legacy apps to their hearts content. It has worked great for us so far. I'm also able to roam the…
I'm not sure if I lucked out and received an ExtraAwesome(tm) version of the iPhone 5, but I got mine pre-ordered on launch day and it is still completely mark/scuff free. I'm not necessarily dainty with it either and it doesn't have a case.
The new iPhone 5 has comparable specs and prices to the latest phones released from Samsung, et al. So basically your statement implies that all the latest new smartphones are overhyped garbage, but maybe that was your point.
This seems like a giant "non story." So the big shock (not) is that Foxconn is producing iPhone 5's in massive quantities with workers on long shifts with big production numbers to hit? This story could be about any iPhone produced in the past.
That has to be fake. If you look at the 1:00 minute mark and thereafter, the screen on the left side isn't uniform with the border and angles very close to the edge at the lower left corner with a pretty sharp angle that doesn't exist elsewhere on the bezel.
Yep, I remember that, but this patent refers specifically to a flexible, foldable, cover device with screens and input capabilities which would be different than a tablet device that opens and uses an internal screen for that.
I haven't seen pics in a while, but I don't remember the Courier having any type of foldable cover with displays or keyboard interface (on said cover).
Looks like no more room in the beta program...
I find it interesting that this "Go Get It Now" article is right above the review where Jesus basically rips it and Apple's vision of the OS apart.
On your "unhide" the user's Library folder, you can shorten the command to:
No problems as all, even the betas have been way more stable than past releases.
While I understand your point, the key issue is that "Professor Bring-Down" acknowledges that the tablet in question actually has a great screen and is completely capable of approaching near the same quality as the higher priced tablet. But due to blunders with factory calibration and firmware, it misses.
Ahh yes, because it isn't based on supposition and is backed up with of all the scientific data.
How should this be "sponsored" or considered biased when the article is backed up with highly precise scientific measurements done with sensitive imaging equipment/sensors?