
Well, trust me, I've seen many of your so called "dumbshits" in usability tests on websites. You'd be surprised how something that you think is so obvious—because you get it—isn't necessarily obvious to other people with different perspectives and experiences.

Yeah, and it isn't working across any of the browsers. I'm running Mountain Lion though, so that may be why.

No, still not used to this damn commenting system. It was meant to respond to the thread at large.

"...their parents or grandparents made the choices they made and their offspring rightfully enjoy the fruits of their labor."

Or, just use tethering, which for some simple situations (like mine—and your example above) is definitely cheaper. I have an iPhone 4S and the new iPad (WiFi only) and I share data via tethering using their DataPro 4GB plan which is only $45 per month. I understand it is different when you want several phones to share

I can't get that site to work on Safari, Firefox, or Chrome on my Mac, regardless of the iPad.

"It's going to take a lot of effort on everyone's part..."

But aren't conversations with trolls by their very nature vigorous discussions. Granted it's a lot of dumb back and forth with people fighting with the trolls, but often those threads get very long. So how are those "vigorous" troll-laden threads not just going to rise to the top anyway?

I am getting completely lost in trying to navigate these threads—this thread being a prime example. Because it only shows so many avatars, then the ">>" icon which then brings up yet another popover window (the UI usability issues here are crazy), which I then scroll down to find an interesting reply to your reply.

Clearly this is a fake/spoof. Check out the Membership area—just send us a scan of your ID or Passport and 50 euros and we'll mail you this Friend of Korea card in 3 days. Yeah right. :) That's some funny shit though.

Correct, but this doesn't help with the much larger issue of some carriers and handset manufacturers not releasing any updates at all.

Yep, you can connect to your computer's iTunes library via the Apple TV and stream music, pictures, movies, etc. from your computer to the Apple TV.

While pretty to look at, completely impractical from a usage standpoint. I type quite a bit on my phone while it is sitting on my desk. It would be constantly rocking back and forth.

I was just about to post the same thing. I can't stop laughing every time I see that gigantic impenetrable wall of words.

LOVE this band and what a great idea for the video. If you haven't seen them at a live show, they a must see!

I just got a free Lumia 800 in the mail from the Nokia Developer Program, and I have to say, it's pretty damn cool. I've got an iPhone 4S which I do love, but with this latest gen of the Windows Phone 7 devices, I can definitely start to get on board with this.

I want to, like, know, like, who the valley girl is, like, that's chattering away, like, through the whole, like, video. Like.

Can we get a confirmation or source on where this 250 number comes from?

html5test.com shows which APIs are supported, not the performance of said APIs. The benchmarks this article refers to are actually performance based, not just a count of how many APIs each browser supports.

The HTML5 test at html5test.com just shows support for the HTML5 APIs, not their performance which is what the test the article refers to does—two very different things. Just because a browser supports (or doesn't) an API doesn't mean that API performs well on said browser.