
Those statements could have been worded better, true. Although you could educate me in an effective way instead of being a dick about it. I’m fine with body positivity, but I’ll cop to not being accepting of all types of fat. To me, her fat is a visible trace of abuse that she spun into a positive. That works for some

What is it with assholes who think everything is a zero sum game. No “thinspo” people, there is no backlash against you just because we are moving closer towards all body types acceptance. Furthermore, whatever shit you get is not because you are thin, it’s because you viciously ridicule anybody who doesn’t uphold

This just makes me so happy.

“Cook Like a Stripper, Screw Like a Chef”

If your husband is doing anything other than either sleeping or trying to remember his native tongue directly after sex, you’re probably doing it wrong.

I offered to make my husband a sandwich on the weekend, and he turned me down. What does that mean? Is he getting his sandwiches elsewhere? Is there an Ashley Madison for sandwiches?

Kate Rose is an artist, free thinker, lover, writer, passionate yogi, teacher, mother, rule breaker and rebel. She can usually be found walking barefoot in the moonlight between worlds with the dreams of stars still hanging in her hair while swaying her hips to the music of life; smelling of sweet bourbon and

Good relationships are pretty quiet things. They are not spectacular explosions.

wait is mad max on the table


Now if we can just get the teenage boys to turn off their mics our victory will be complete!
but seriously boy girl lizard whatever I dont want to hear any of you. I dont know about the rest of the people here but I use my mic when I have to and I despise every second I spend listening to others speak, video game chat

As someone who was a teenager girl, I can testify to this being accurate, and remaining accurate as an adult, it’s why it’s frustrating when games I wanna play rely on mics to be able to fully enjoy them, kinda feel left out because I’d rather really not use a mic for about a hundred different reasons.

We had one family friend that I just stopped going to restaurants with because he was such a tool, complaining about every aspect of the meal. (To make matters worse, he was actually a really good cook himself, which meant he could find fault with any damn thing.) My Mother would go with him occasionally, but she

The Crop Over Festival is absolutely not “aka Carnival”. Other Caribbean countries (most famously Trinidad and Tobago) have Carnival. Barbados does not have Carnival. Crop Over is a season of celebration that lasts about 10 weeks and culminates with the Kadooment Day parade, which is what is pictured here. None of it

A few weeks ago, I was in a class for work, and we had a catered in lunch. The girl sitting next to me said, “Oh, I hope they have something gluten free.” I responded with “Oh, you have Celiac disease?” To which she replied, “No, I’m just kindof intolerant. Like if I eat gluten, I get bad heartburn.”

UGHHHHH my eyes melted out of my face when I read that then my face melted off of my body then i died.

Ah yes, these two plump hens need to drop 20-30 lbs post haste.

I pay money in to a pool that gets disbursed, it’s called taxes. Money that is used to start unjust wars, which is against my religion. If I don’t pay my taxes, I don’t get to pay a fine, I go to prison. This guy is ridiculous and fails to realize or care that part of living in a society is putting money in to things

All I hear is an angry man yelling a whole lot because the buffet line has brussel sprouts and he HATE brussel sprouts and how dare they offer brussel sprouts when he hates them so much that he doesn’t want his adult daughters to go anywhere near those brussel sprouts.