
it me

i eat bread by itself because its fucking delicious you monster


I don’t know. When I was little, my dad was a post-doc, my mom didn’t consistently work, we were poor. We were so poor that one time my mom had a pregnancy scare and couldn’t afford a pregnancy test. Then, my dad secured a good position with tenure, my mom finished her masters and got a job. My mom pushed my dad to

Talent and drive aside, people called that gorgeous creature *ugly*?
She’s stunning and could easily model all her own designs.

Yeah. when I say “I want shrimp cocktail” I am talking about eating shrimp till I am full. Preferably in my own home. Where no one can judge me. And I don’t care if the ocean calls and says they are running out of shrimp.

These last 18 months of his term are gonna make you feel like 2008 again.

This isn’t about you.

I don’t know, it took me years and years. I think mostly because when you tell people your period sucks, they are like “wah wah”. I switched gynos four times and spend years trying to figure out what was wrong. I have a daughter and basically my attitude is that i WILL RAIN FIRE AND BEAT ASSES to make sure this is

I’m so sorry this happened to you! *hugs*

If you went to the bible belt at 21 and wrote that story—while explicitly admitting that you were young and naive and self-absorbed and not really thinking about things, as did the author here—I would read it. The author was young and misguided (and she says as much), but the experience helped her figure out her

Which is worse? Having a series fizzle out with mediocre or bad episodes (see: Dexter, Supernatural) or having a series get cut off before it’s full potential is reached? Because CARNIVALE is one of those shows that I always wanted more of, but it was killed before it could continue. REAPER is another example of that

I’ve got a quarter bottle of Gaps OM scent that I just started wearing again after storing it for almost two decades.

I don’t know if I believe or agree with the outcome of this test.

I don’t know how, but I got Hamburgler style.

A whiteness of teenage girls ordering frappuccinos.

My cat, who once opened a microwave oven while the popcorn was popping, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once destroyed a floor-to-ceiling lamp with her butt, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once fell off a bookshelf at 3 AM only to land butt-first on my face (catass

Poor, poor hosts. Man, though: a good host is not a thing to be taken lightly. They’re a rare and precious resource.

The mother proceeds to tell my manager that I was extremely rude to them and that I lied to them about the wait time because I was “discriminating” (wat) against them.