
Actually that’s the core issue with most people’s issues when dealing with relationships.

How can you love anyone else if you don’t love yourself first?

You have to get comfortable with yourself, and make sure that whomever you find doesn’t “complete” you because that is dumb, you can’t say that “I’m nothing without

It’s funny because no one ever talks about how men have daddy issues and there’s lots of them. But of course we’re supposed to believe that men can overcome anything and women are fragile messes if they don’t have a strong male figure in their life.

Yep, and it’s such a throwaway for any time a woman dares to lay down expectations for a man. As in, since we are in a relationship, when I text you, I expect a response within a reasonable timeframe. Asshole guy’s response: geez, back up with your clingy shit—what, do you have daddy issues?!?

I love her so much sometimes I forget that we are not actually real friends and that I’ve never met her.

Better yet, an enormous, scary-ass Little Debbie.

I feel like this is why so many bi women (and men) are afraid to come out and say that they’re bi, because aparently questioning your sexuality is just trying it on for a day and that’s what posers do...

we’re paid solely in permission to dress like 90s club kids and/or 60s housewives when hubby’s at work

Proof: I’m totally hot and one of my favorite articles of clothing is a giant, thick brocade pashmina/shawl-thing that I wrap myself in like a blanket. (Actually, on second thought, it might actually BE a blanket. Whatever.) I wear it with billowy palazzo pants. Trend confirmed.

Women of all colors have been bogged down by the “acknowledge my humanity” thing, actually....


No! Because they might have come by that growth in the WRONG WAY!

I’d like Mark Ruffalo to be more like Fred Ewanuick.

i honestly made such a good life choice when i spent two minutes making this on paint

Doesn’t seem like that much of a conundrum - your kid doesn’t get a sibling, he or she will never know a different life they never had with a sibling so you can let yourself off the hook. Crack open your favorite libation and celebrate!

I would LOVE more photos of this developing look, they all sound wonderful, in very different ways.

All 700 of the Duggars (or however many there are) and the rest of their kooky cult prayed and prayed to God for a worthy distraction from all the news about Josh’s molestation charges/not charges and child abuse. And God saw Michelle’s empty, vapid stare and smiled.

I just had to google it too, and then thought, “Damn, these are ugly.”

Erm, everyone who is not a 13 year old girl thinks that being a walking billboard is tacky. You don’t have to be a billonaire to afford plain clothing.

I agree my feeling has also always been “I’m going to pay an obscene amount of money to give you free advertising? Fuck that, pay me to carry it”

I am so fashion forward I don’t even carry a “bag”. I use my pockets to hold my phone, cards, and keys. Bags are like oppressive anchors that hold you down you gotta remember where you put it, you end up carrying whole bunches of extra shit that you don’t need, and people with you who don’t want to carry their own