
50 shades was rich porn as much as it was porn porn. However, there are a lot of romance novels with poor male love interests. They usually just flip the switch and make the woman rich tho. Female-wish-fulfillment books revolve are rich porn a lot. *shrug*

I have found that the more intelligent the man, the less threatened they are by a smart woman. This also explains the Republican party.

A man who reads Jez, I'm probably not a typical representative of my gender, but I love being married to a strong, independent woman who happens to make more money than me.

YES! Thank you for including that! Can’t believe I forgot to mention it

The lady who ran this yoga event remarked, more than once, that when a person was overweight and there wasn’t a medical reason, that usually told you there was some emotional baggage at play. She said that in her experience, a body usually carried it physically and internally.

I’m not big enough that doctors say

Alas, she lost the baggy-eyed, doughy-faced, 55 year old man of her dreams...

Well, they were but it just resulted in some shiny fab looking roosters.

I dunno, how much you dick stank

I’m going to start using “I have to go home and write some letters” as my excuse to get out of everything I don’t want to do.

The more I learn about how fucking unjust our system is, the more I am shocked that there’s not MORE rioting in the streets.

That story about the woman who got doused with red wine? I had a similar experience and similarly laughed it off. As a server was setting a nice large martini (with a lemon twist, not an olive) in front of me his hand trembled for some reason and the whole thing went down the front of my shirt. The look of horror on

haha I totally get that. I KNOW its all in my head. But I always feel like my friends are praising each other over how good they look and then I am just standing there like

I just hate the way dieting makes you, by necessity, become obsessive about food. In my very few attempts to go on a diet, I ended up thinking about food CONSTANTLY, in a way I just don’t otherwise.

“Pouting to Get Your Way Without Losing Respect” - No. Pouting is for children. Little children. Grown women should not ‘pout to get their way’. Any adult who pouts for a second should become invisible to everyone around them.

Yep, I can’t do eye makeup for shit. Those fancy cat eyes? SQUIGGLY LINES. Smoky eye? MORE LIKE RACCOON EYES.

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

I’m a little late but here goes. I worked in a Gay Dennys in Arizona and soon after gay marriage became legal, I had the most adorable elderly couple of men, one white, one black. They were seated at the counter and had on these beautiful leis. I asked if I could feel the real flowers and asked what the occasion was.

This was my favorite bit: “There’s a big movement in reality TV to be outraged about feminism. I’ve been in professional wrestling. So yes: come see my mirror; eat my wings—I don’t know what to tell you, honey.”

Good. Instead of talking about qualifications, we’re talking about his body and eating habits.

So much bad biology here (I understand that a science lesson was not the goal here, but still). As a reproductive biologist let me just say quickly that ovaries absolutely do not regenerate from nothing. More probable is that doctors only removed the cyst before and left the ovary intact, or they took a large piece of