
You adipose stories like this more often.

My brother and sister are 20 years my senior (parents are in their mid sixties) which made for an interesting dynamic “blossoming” around my brothers then 30 year old friends.

I know! I remember being called fat as a really young kid and I look back at pictures of me from like 5-9 and I was a very healthy looking girl. Sure, I was tall and maybe a little older looking for my age, but I wasn’t fat. But holy fuck did I internalise that shit and have it wreak havoc on my life for ever

You were texting at 15? How old are you? Oh gosh, that makes me sound so old! :) I didn’t get a cell phone till freshman year in college. Haha.

Being present for her is doing a lot. My dad was emotionally absent for me, so I looked elsewhere for male affection...and by elsewhere, I mean to any boy who would pay attention to me.

Freshman year of HS, Todd. Sat at a table of complete misfits (but no regrets) at lunch. He was really really into Ben Folds and Oasis. He would print out lyrics/scores to their songs and then re-write them? I’m not sure. The other people at the table would be working on math homework, dissecting SPARK NOTES and one

To me there is a HUGE difference between attention from boys of the same age and from adult men. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t get attention from boys. Sometimes it was awkward (being pelted by rocks) sometimes it was sweet (like the boy who kissed my hand in the kickball line in 1st grade and proposed. He

I started shaving my legs in 5th grade too but it was because the other GIRLS at my day camp were all giving each other shit about our fuzzy legs.

Jamie Layton’s story reminds me of a famous story I heard when I was working at a regional theater festival.

This is the only Beanie Baby worth having.

Meanwhile, I’ll be lucky enough if I get get a job cleaning the display case. I’ll just be enviously admiring it.

Noted. Seems like a PITA to keep taking off and putting on all night but I suppose there are people who plan their bathroom breaks better than myself where they aren't ripping off their jeans to make it just in time.

I'm an introvert and loved living alone. People generally seem to think this is weird and I know I'll probably catch a lot of flak for it in the comments, but the constant need to have people around that other people seem to feel is completely opposite to me — I find people exhausting and need a lot of alone time and

As an only child, I love living alone. Its cohabitation that's hard for me. I'm totes gonna get divorced like 4 times in my life.

Nevermind that, keep it clean for yourself. Man, having your own place and having it clean is great feeling and makes it much nicer to sit in and do nothing but watch TV.

Look at my picture above. I'm no Brad Pitt. But when I was dating online in my 40s I was having no difficulties getting dates.

1) First, why do you say you are ugly?Do you carry yourself with kindness, grace and intent, or with anger and fear?

I went through this a decade ago, and it all turned out well. Hope it does for you as well, Thorin.

I recently finished creating what I am referring to as the Helen Roper Memorial Beach and Pool Caftan. It's a pretty simple little number, but the fabric is a gorgeous Pucci-esque printed silk charmeuse. I'm happy with it, with one caveat: Should I ever have the great good fortune to be clad in the HRMBaPC and