If you’re dumb enough to be installing a FLASHLIGHT APP in 2019, you deserve the worst they can throw at you -_-
If you’re dumb enough to be installing a FLASHLIGHT APP in 2019, you deserve the worst they can throw at you -_-
What’s funny is that if there were a list of the top 100 supremacists Ingraham would barely crack the top 20.
married to
singerEGOT-winner John Legend,
That kid may have come from a house with no canned food, only fresh organic produce, which would make those parents doubly insufferable.
I recently had an experience with a 19-year-old girl who was completely flummoxed when asked to open a can of soup because she had never used a can opener before. People, stop doing fucking everything for your kids.
The child is still alive (as of Saturday morning) and stable, per the Bloomington PD press release (https://www.bloomingtonmn.gov/pd/news/bpd-update-assault-five-year-old-male-2019-04-13) and the most recent update on the GoFundMe for the family (https://www.gofundme.com/Landonprayers).
She was right in a way, I didn’t like the answer. Mostly in that I’m now angry that Finns pay barely anything for great healthcare, while I’m paying out of my asshole for...let’s say adequate health care.
Same reason that free college scares them. No one complains about the “free” education we get through HS, because a HS diploma really doesn’t get you very far these days. But add on those extra 4 years, which might allow the poors to have a chance, and everyone goes nuts because that financial advantage might be taken…
when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty
Whoa! whoa! whoa! Get those facts out of here! Our President got opinions!!!
And powdered wigs and makeup too.
Toxic masculinity should be re-labeled as FALSE masculinity because it ignores male customs throughout history, including those of wearing wigs and fancy clothes.
I once ordered nachos with blue cheese and it was awful. I ordered something else but offered to pay for the nqchos because I did make that decision. They refused to let me pay for them. It’s a cool place.
Personal preference is not a legitimate reason. Sure, they’ll take it back and all, but if it is what you ordered and as described, that’s on your palate.
First, it doesn’t ‘hose’ anyone. It’s called ‘paying your fair share’. You pay more because you have more. Don’t want to pay more? Give it all away! Or, work for less. Problem solved.
I think many youngsters today have a really hard time.
Half of them are less attractive than average, and will be swiped left, every time.
Back when, young ones met others face to face, and because of etiquette had to talk a little to each other, no matter what the looks. That gave a chance to find out “hey, this…
It may have originally been.
So every time you pass a cop you just drop your gun on the side of the street? You either never see police, or you go through a lot of guns.