
Nice! (Also, those chickens are a goddamn national treasure.) 

Y’all Queda?

I see these fucking 3% assholes all over here in NC with the stickers on their trucks. They’re advertising that they’re terrorists and get to just walk around free.  Fucking Vanilla ISIS.

Sure we are.  This is the logical course the republican party has been on since at least the 70s with Nixon.  Reagan was no saint; he was all about racist dogwhistles, funneling money to the top, and fame over substance.  Remove the anti-Russian thing, and he was a proto-trump.

He may be a republican, just maybe not a tone-deaf, homophobic, racist, chauvinistic piece of crap!

These bigots are exhausting. 

“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”

Well I heard “Maricopa County” and thought “hard pass.”

Cheating in 2000, Russians in 2016.

Cuz we’re lazy.

“They are choosing to hold back their kids by living where they live..”

“School is what you make of it, in NYC many poor Asians go to same crappy schools that many others attend yet they do well”

Make up your mind. Is it because they “choose” to live in bad neighborhoods, or because they’re black and are

*white and Asian people - remember Emma Stone is in this.

That’s because they actually teach American History in Canadian schools.

“Want a better neighborhood? Move. You don’t have to choose to live in those zip codes,” Scogin wrote,

I read Colin is also sponsored by seat belts and break lines.

So burning perfectly good clothing to show your support for veterans and the military is preferable to donating clothing to homeless veterans. Got it. Meanwhile us “libs” with disposable income with double down on Nike.

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

Never tolerate intolerance. Always punch Nazis.