There is a misprint on the Amazon website. The collection is all twelve issues of the series, not six issues, and supplementals.
There is a misprint on the Amazon website. The collection is all twelve issues of the series, not six issues, and…
There is a misprint on the Amazon website. The collection is all twelve issues of the series, not six issues, and supplementals.
There is a misprint on the Amazon website. The collection is all twelve issues of the series, not six issues, and…
Back in the days of VHS I had a friend who has a massive tape collection. Anything he didn’t want his wife to see he labelled “The Outer Limits s4" and didn’t worry about it.
I read that headline and thought, “Please don’t say something stupid, Dolly.” This woman is a national treasure.
As a 50 year old black man in Florida who doesn’t listen to country music, tell me where to send my check.
I’ll allow it.
And the usually hold public office... from Florida.
I probably could have said it better but why. This got the job done.
Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin was on one of the Sunday morning news shows and told a story that her elderly mother refuses to wear a mask and after drilling her on why she finally admitted, “My President doesn’t think I need to and if I wear one people will think I’m a Democrat.”
The first time I wore a mask was grocery shopping for an hour and I left dizzy. After the next few times I was fine. It’s all about getting use to it and not being a selfish, whining baby.
Let me clarify. I’m not a hunter. Grew up in Pennsylvania so I’ve seen deer strung up in gutted in a few garages and sheds. I don’t consider that big game (it may be... I just don’t know better). I’m talking about these guys posing with giraffes and lions. If you’re not eating the giraffe, then fuck those guys.
My wife and I go through this. I’ll use a measuring cup and then rinse it out and use it again (it had milk in it... we’ll survive). She’ll dirty easily three times the utensils, bowls and cutting boards and it’ll look like a hurricane hit.
The first Thanksgiving I spent with my wife’s family I could smell this horrid smell from the kitchen. Someone saw my face and said, “Those are the chitlins... or should I say ‘shitlins.” Her family is from Arkansas. Her mother has a finance degree, her father just retired as a systems analyst. Her sisters have a…
I suppose my problem with hunting is there seems (and I may be totally wrong) a culture and it’s attached to what we perceive as masculinity. Then again, I don’t know if posing next to the deer you tracked and shot is any different than taking a picture of the meal you just ordered.
Read the room (or the country), people.
If you look at Cruise’s career and you know your directors, it’s literally a Who’s Who of the eighties and nineties. Francis Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Oliver Stone, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Barry Levinson, Ron Howard, Sydney Pollack, Robert Redford, Neil Jordan, John Woo, Brian DePalma, Stanley…
The problem is Democrats and what passes for the Left in this country aren’t nearly as diabolical. Remember when Karl Rove polled people if they’d vote for McCain if he had a black child out of wedlock referring to his adopted daughter? The Democrats don’t have that kind of viciousness. The closest we have is The…
No more calls. Shut it down. We have a winner. Enjoy your internet, ma’am.
Nice in theory. Evil never dies.
It’s almost like they think we can’t hear them... or they aren’t being recorded always.
“Caveman base” is just the best.