To me, it would be a problem if Pete actually went through with it. Instead, he’s caught and quickly backpedals knowing his behavior is wrong. Because it is.
To me, it would be a problem if Pete actually went through with it. Instead, he’s caught and quickly backpedals knowing his behavior is wrong. Because it is.
It’s okay not to know stuff but when it pertains to your job, being an adult, etc, just don’t blast that shit on the internet. Be embarrassed, admit it when you’re caught, but keep that nonsense to yourself.
Fair enough.
Am I crazy here is isn’t Notre Dame a Catholic cathedral? You mean to tell me the Catholic church, the religion that technically owns a country, can’t catch the bill for this one?
I had this same discussion and although what he did was a shitty thing, it’s calling in a false police report. Barely different than pulling the fire alarm at a school as a prank. Who’s the victim here? He paid his own money to have his own ass kicked.
Not reading this article because I haven’t watched a trailer for a movie I wanted to see since 2012.
This is how I break all bad news. It’s fractions of seconds between the first sentence and the second but if you’re on the receiving end it feels like your heart turned to cement.
I’m guessing you don’t have kids.
My daughter is six and she understands the format of a joke but doesn’t understand the purpose of the parts. So she knows their is a setup question followed but a punchline response but doesn’t understand the punchline needs to refer back to the setup.
Hence, a bottle of cheese. Just…
Every time I see someone try to justify humans have a better reaction time than machines I always think, “Your dumb ass can’t beat Pong and that video game is forty fucking years old!”
I have a question maybe someone can answer. There are a lot of ‘LIVE’ channels on YouTube. Peppa Pig, DC Super Hero Girls, etc. An example, if I type in Peppa Pig Live I get Peppa Pig Official Channel, Home of Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig Surprise and a bunch in other languages. I would think “Official Channel” is legit but…
Let’s just say we walk in the same circles so I agree with everything you say here.
If they were discussing how to better manage infrastructure or diplomacy with North Korea I’d agree with you. It doesn’t take a lot of worldly experience to know, “A lot of my friends died and I could have too and I’d really like to prevent that from happening to anyone again.”
Glad I read to that third paragraph. It was worth the nonsense of the first two.
First, determine which one of you is the devil.
More specifically, fast food presented by a billionaire and brags that he paid for it himself. I’m guessing he had a coupon, that cheap fuck.
Hard pass on the getting dressed after breakfast.
And Martin Luther King took a bullet for this bullshit.
But Panaka isn’t a simpleton. Had Jar Jar translated to simpleton you’d be correct.
If I can offer a suggestion. builds media database software for music, movies, books, comics and video games. The iOS and Android versions are $10 and the desktop and web version prices vary. With the mobile version you scan the UPC code and imports all the details, covers, etc from the media and it’s…
I don’t think the problem is how many you have but when does it become a burden. If you can’t find anything then what’s the point of having it? A lot of people on that show have books in hallways, in random stacks in their kitchen and bedroom and in their garage.
Part of having a collection of proof that you’ve…