Hey, I know a guy who needs a $5.7 billion loan to build a fence.
Hey, I know a guy who needs a $5.7 billion loan to build a fence.
Tell you what, we can let that 1% keep all their money and first and last years of a decade we only fund mission critical operations of the military and take the remainder and push that money into education and social services.
Seriously, I would show up like Christian Slater in True Romance with my offer in an envelope which would be completely empty.
Shots fired!
That’s a little cynical but I’ll play along. There are people with good intentions and those people may have guns they intend to commit good intentions with. And sometimes, on a dime, those people become bad people.
Honestly, as a black person who’s watched Hollywood get bullied into including black people in their films and then spend fifty years making them sidekicks and stereotypes, I’d rather white filmmakers not try and tell the stories of the disenfranchised and leave that to the groups who have those voices.
This is kinda like when I tell my wife how great my Blackdar is at detecting black people and she tells me 1) we’re black and that hardly impressive because on white people didn’t know Megan Markle and Rashida Jones weren’t black and 2) I’m an idiot.
A few months ago when that guy went into a grocery store and shot the elderly black couple, as he was fleeing someone pulled their gun in the parking lot and asked him, the shooter, what was happening.
The one thing your over looking between the Hillary Clinton\Ivanka Trump comparison is one of them is Hillary Clinton.
I could understand if he said superhero movies are stupid but he said comic books are stupid. Comic books are a medium, not a genre. It’s like saying film is stupid vs slasher movies are stupid. Someone on the internet said if Shakespeare decided to write a comic and Michaelangelo agreed to paint it, would that not be…
He did. He was hired for the administration as an environmental adviser based on his work with the Green Collar Jobs initiative, the Green For All organization and his book The Green Collar Economy. Most importantly all of this was done in 2009.. four years before he started working for CNN.
Hold up. I get white people ignoring black stuff (purposely or not) but didn’t Amy Schumer do Trainwreck two years ago and I’m no expert on women’s sizes but she isn’t going to be mistaken for Anna Farris anytime soon (and there is nothing wrong with that). Now that I’m thinking about it, isn’t there a romance in Hairs…
LAW STUDENT. This person was well on their way to being an attorney and possibly a judge.
Remember when Republicans threw a fit claiming Gwen Ifill was biased because was moderating a Presidential debate and she had a book called “The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama” and it wasn’t about him so much as the changing landscape of politics and more importantly hadn’t even been fucking releas…
We’re not dealing with Republicans anymore.
A “cult classic” is a film that made no money because only white people think it is interesting...
I haven’t got time for that. I already have a giant bucket in the garage.
Oh Gita. The problem isn’t Rowling. The problem is you.
Thanks for being civil and you are correct. MacIntosh was first to market and that is exactly what I meant and I was mistaken. To correct myself, I’ve long believed success is based not on quality but convenience and price. If everybody cared about quality everybody would have home theaters and wouldn’t stream their…