
Nobody cares who invented the tech, getting to market is all that matters. Ask Microsoft Windows or iPhone.

I get her apprehension. It’s a worthy nomination in a movie with questionable politics and a thin grasp on reality. The problem is it’s a movie designed to make white people feel better about systemic racism as if they can brush their hands when it’s over and say, “well, glad that’s done.”

I started to compose a serious rebuttal in hopes of having a honest conversation but inadvertently scrolled to a comment you made to the article author about the myths of slavery and realized I can’t tell if you’re serious or just trolling to piss people off.

Now playing

Well let’s look at it as why does anyone live anywhere that isn’t ideal for them or their families? Why does anyone live in rural Kentucky or Georgia? Why does any woman stay with a man that beats them? Why does teenage mothers give birth to daughters who become teenage mothers?

She should go down the hall and have a history teacher explain Black Codes, Redlining and Sundown Towns to her. 

Had it been a white player protesting police brutality (or as the NRA should be freaking out.. government overreach) we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But it’s really easy to make large afro-wearing black men refusing the stand for the flag in the midst of a soldier on the field into the villains.

I will also sign off all of this.  I’ve always wondered why the Super Bowl didn’t have a black college battle of the bands during halftime.

Let’s put it this way. I’ve been reading comics since I was ten and we do a tailgate for Halloween because we literally have thousands of kids that show up in our subdivision (small lots, big sidewalks, good candy to effort ratio). I watch black girls in blonde wigs dressed as Frozen princesses and black boys dressed

I did include Nascar.  I live sixty minutes outside of Daytona.  I will accept your sympathies.

Because there is a dead body at the end of this story the first issue that needs to be dealt with is this is not your parking lot, this is not your parking lot, this is not your business.

Actually I figured out three solutions to this.

They never open with that. That’s something you build to.

I’m very tolerant until the discussion turns to how to exterminate me or anyone else.

You missed it.  It’s okay.  No need to attack a classic.

To paraphrase Stephen Colbert, nobody on the right side of history every had to argue the definition of what a ‘cage’ is.

I have a friend born and raised in Germany. She’ll tell you in Germany they own that Nazi shit and they’re terribly ashamed of it. They have bricks in front of homes with Jewish names on them so you know where the Jews were dragged from their homes and executed so you don’t forget.

Everytime someone tries to feed me the “Civil War wasn’t about slavery” bullshit I kindly ask them to Google Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens inauguration address also known as “The Cornerstone Speech.”

Michael, if you own a mic, extend your arm, open your hand and let it fall. Then exit stage defiantly without looking back because there is nothing left to say.

His partner’s name is “Hunting Blackmen?” Oh, my bad... I read that wrong.

First, and maybe I was naive for not understanding this, but miles aren’t miles. I got this card because Jennifer Garner sold me on it (okay, she could sell me on just about anything) by saying you earn one mile per dollar spent which I understood as, “If a flight to Chicago is six hundred miles, if I spent $600

First, and maybe I was naive for not understanding this, but miles aren’t miles. I got this card because Jennifer