I told him ‘bout messin’ with them white women.
I told him ‘bout messin’ with them white women.
I love that as a black man when I get pulled over I hold my hands outside the window as the officer approaches so we won’t have any “accidents” but a white person can bring a fairly realistic-looking rifle onto mass transit and say ...”I had no idea what was going on . . . Nothing like this ever happened to me.”
Why do…
This is why my wife doesn’t go to a hairdresser unless they have been 1) recommended by someone she knows, 2) that person is a black woman and 3) she likes their hair.
The worse part is if you call a salon and ask a non-black person if they do black hair, many of them will say yes thinking the question is, “Are black…
I always wondered if you were a person of color and saw George Zimmerman in a public place and just shot or beat the fuck out of him and claimed you were standing your ground against a person with a reputation for killing unarmed black youths and feared for your safety, how far would that get you.
Probably not very but…
Not surprised. We have a drinking game we play where we take a shot every time the RNC shows a person of color in the audience which will always be lower than the amount of PoC they manage to trot out on the stage.
He’d still be a white Jesus that despite being born in the Middle East looks a lot like Barry Gibb.
Great, now I have to open another dozen fake accounts just like this more than once.
My father always told me you’re raising adults, not children. Don’t start a habit you’ll have to break later.
I don’t think a common thief is going to shake your whole house unless they’re looking for something specific. I heard you always keep an old or busted laptop on a desk and stick your daily one in a pantry. Thieves are going to come in and steal what they think the can sell easily. TVs, cell phones, jewelry, guns,…
I don’t think a common thief is going to shake your whole house unless they’re looking for something specific. I…
Pete Session. What the serious fuck?
I told my wife that nobody should be allowed to donate more than $500 and maybe corporations should get...” and she stopped me right there and said, “$500. A corporation can get $500 per candidate just like the rest of us.”
Now I just need to figure out a way to make sure a corporation doesn’t create a bunch of phony…
I sure do. I get two physical copies and a digital copy. Only makes it better that I have a friend who only does digital (which she started after people kept stealing movies from her house after parties) so she splits it with me so I get the BD and DVD and she gets the digital copy. And I she still gives me access to…
I sure do. I get two physical copies and a digital copy. Only makes it better that I have a friend who only does…
I LOVE this scene. I remember when I first saw it and it blew my fucking mind. Just the way something as simple as how big something is or that it’s on the top makes you perceive it as better and I completely catch myself and others doing that.
It’s like when you say like, “It’s weird when British people sing they…
Just makes me want to watch Popstar again.
I once shook hands with a Presidential candidate and you’d be shocked how how many Secret Service agents come out of nowhere are are in front of you, behind you and watching your every gesture.
I bought these last time they were on sale. Love them but if you don’t have an Amazon device, the inline controls may not work. FYI.
I bought these last time they were on sale. Love them but if you don’t have an Amazon device, the inline controls…
Completely true. My error.
That’s true. I realize I don’t want debates. What I want are Presidential confirmations. I want them to sit in front of a panel of a journalist, a scientist, a career military officer and an economist who will play clips of stuff they’ve said and ask them to elaborate on it.
And I 100% agree. This political grandstanding that I’m against anything unless it benefits me is completely disgraceful and makes me embarrassed to be an American. Traditions aren’t laws or amendments and the idea that any party does this and people, their own constituents, aren’t livid is just sickening.
I had a roommate who use to complain about his girlfriends breasts because they rolled into her armpits.
Which seemed to be a metric shit-ton of people I watched throw a fit this weekend. Watching Ted Cruz claim nobody’s appointed a Supreme Court judge in their final year as President in eighty years and then get immediately fact checked by the moderator during the debate needs to happen more often. And considering…