
Rubbing one out is the same as walking 2 miles..

Catholics don’t have tithing.  I guess you don’t know the Church...

And if you don’t want to do FAST goals. try GOAT goals... Good, Omnipotent, Admirable, Tortuous...

It was bad form to have Lilly vaping like that.

Except that Karen has a costco brand hydro flask and not a hydro flask branded hydro flask so um, she’s not as VSCO as Shasta... Karen knows this and just saved enough for a hydro flask hydro flask and will subtly switch it out and be like, “Whatever, I’ve always had this one”.

I’d wear it in a hot second if I can fit it on my giant heed.

Why would they need a scheme for Harris? She came to power sucking Willie Brown’s dong as his whore mistress. Why do you need to make something up?

But it wouldn’t be as click-bait-y if it read, “Chappelle’s transgender comedienne friend dies by suicide”

Does Paul Rudd do bad movies?

Silver:  China told me not to suspend NBA action with China... So, no.

He’s like Madison Bumgarner but without the rings.

Camp fire was Santa Rosa/Napa?

A lot of them- Ones that PG&E is getting sued for billions for.

Poop with the door open. And then tell him or her that you shat the shape of a perfect cursive capital S. The person would be a true friend if they came for a look.

Who has that yellow striped t-shirt and wears it?  You lost me at your yellow striped shirt.  Good day, Sir.

It’s “fictional” but titled: ‘Regret: I Dated the Asshole Anti-Vaxer’.  McCarthy ruined this guy...

That was the Cesar Romero Joker, right?

I just proved that I referenced natural selection in the correct context and that you are a dolt.

nat·u·ral se·lec·tion

I so wish that she would have achieved such fame by being devoured by the lion, proving again and again, you can slow it down with advances in medical technology and liberal social programs, but YOU CANNOT STOP NATURAL SELECTION!!!