My ten year old (fifth grade) wants a phone... Here’s why we’re currently saying no.
My ten year old (fifth grade) wants a phone... Here’s why we’re currently saying no.
Charlie Day
They won’t notice it, so let’s teach them to be offended?
Nope- Democrat from Sacramento. The Governor is actually my neighbor. I just don’t drink the kook-aid like the rest of you.... Local news did a story on two of them this weekend. One was here illegally from Vietnam, murdered someone 20+ years ago and the other was a gang-banger in Stockton/Modesto.
Yawn— Fun fact- Governor Gavin Newsom pardoned 21 murderers... Some because they were in the country illegally and he didn’t want ICE to deport them... Please note- These guys didn’t earn business degrees in prison and aren’t going to become Business Systems Analysts and pay rent...
Just showed this to my kids-- Doing it the same way, but expecting a different result... Womp wah...
Baby Yoda movie? Did that beat the idea for a Jar Jar backstory movie? Sounds awful...
Pretty Kool, huh?
If it is going to be the Word of the Year, shouldn’t it at least be hyphenated?
I have two sons-- 10 and 6... Fifth grade and Kindergarten... The younger one is scrappy... He and his brother are rough with each other.. When the younger one started Kindergarten, if someone pushed or hit him, he’d hit back... Harder, and on the soft-tissue areas of the face. It was an adjustment.. He’d be doing…
And you get a star!
Those billionaires could give a flying fuck if you love them or not. They’re too busy working to care.
Quasi-related... Tom Savini was ‘Sex Machine’ in From Dusk Till Dawn with George Clooney and legendary Fred Williamson.
I have a 110 pound black lab that craps bigger than the pikachoo dog that the guy lets crap on my lawn. On occasion, I’ll wait a few days to clean up after my dog and throw it in the guy’s driveway. I’ve done this maybe twice in the last two years. Haven’t been arrested yet.
I found the orange scrapers work better for hollowing out the inside...
Rubbing one out is the same as walking 2 miles..
Catholics don’t have tithing. I guess you don’t know the Church...
And if you don’t want to do FAST goals. try GOAT goals... Good, Omnipotent, Admirable, Tortuous...
It was bad form to have Lilly vaping like that.