
THIS is NeverTrumpers in a nutshell. And they are absolutely flabbergasted as to why that’s every bit as problematic as Trump. Just cannot figure that shit out at all. I think I hate them worse.

read this over: sut.... da fuk up

I just want to remind everyone that they could have had Keith Ellison instead of Perez.

*deep sigh* I would not be surprised. Perez and co. have seen the light with DJT’s sweeping victory. And now with more and more progressives winning because of grass roots - they’re going to take a very hard right turn and go back to the days when Andrew Jackson helped define and found the party. They can see the

This! This is what I keep on talking about with this fuck and his cronies in the DNC! ARGH!

Unless you are a billionaire the only way to incentivize any political party to move in any direction is to deprive them of votes, and therefore seats, if they don’t. Politicians hate the idea of unemployment and being forced to get a real job more than anything, it is literally the only threat that voters have to

Classic democratic party, showing what it really means to be considered the party of compromise. If there’s enough money in it, there’s nothing they won’t compromise on, at the expense of the people they claim to represent. Just more of that good old time politics, hooray!

The Democrats, helping the Republicans into office with every announcement.

Tom Perez, a Democrat’s Republican.

Fuck that chair-stealing, jacked-up-llama-toothed asshole.

Leftists support dramatically reforming policing and the justice system writ large. They don’t ignore identity issues, but they focus on policies that will actually elevate victims of bigotry and oppression. Centrist Dems support exactly zero substantive reforms or policies that will help the disenfranchised. In fact,

Is that before or after President Bush, declares martial law and cancels the election?

My only issue with the article is the use of the term “soviet”. I understand using it, but it’s not accurate.

“the USSR was far worse and did far worse than the US ever did.”

Fun article! I could practically hear the guys arguing as I was reading. Gotta point out that the show has five hosts, not four. You forgot about Amber Frost!

Incoming brain-damaged donut-twitter people, just watch.

I guess we are all in the greys. 

Hey, you left off Amber Frost, who was the one who coined “dirtbag left”. 

But if those senators are voting with the republican agenda 75% of the time, what is really being lost?

Centrism is a vehicle for votes and your rejection of it necessitates loss.