
Stop this. We both know that third-way centrists are deeply #woke, and anyone to their left is actually a sexist-racist #BernieBro. Your dislike for a centrist Dem is clearly evidence of how much you hate POC because all third way centrists are honorary WOC and a leftist WOC is actually a white man. Now apologize.

Because the centrist Democratic party has sure been winning lately. Nothing but winning.

Especially after the organized and very effective third-party run Sanders made in 2016 that cost Clinton the election.  (Oh, wait.  That never happened.  It was that Clinton ran the dumbest campaign in modern history that cost her the election.)

No, but thank you for your input.

I love the picture at the top.

This news makes me sick. Her win was the one piece of good news I’ve heard recently, and now the old guard is trying to take that away.

She’s making waves against both the Democratic establishment and conservatives and now this nonsense suddenly appears. Seems like some people realize she’s dangerous to their status quo.

But after Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win, Bill Lipton, the state director of the Working Families Party, reached out to Crowley’s team and asked that he vacate the line. Crowley, however, declined. This means he’ll remain on the ballot, which is certainly a curious decision to make!

Centrists democrats see progressives as a huge threat, and they know exactly what they’re doing here.

I’d say Rahm is worse since he should ostensibly be helping people. I don’t expect a PE guy to have a moral compass. 

Also for people who think Obama doesn’t owe anyone anything. Fuck You. 

Well, he lives in NYC, so thanks to the electoral college his vote was symbolic, and changed nothing one way or the other. If he lived in a swing state, it’d have been a different story. Seems easy enough to understand. It’s my attitude too, though I live in a swing state and did vote (and participated in GOTV efforts

Have you seen Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan? Remember Boehner and Cantor?

she gets that they have to put on the be-nice face

I don’t get what they pearl clutching moderates have a problem with.

Agreed. Be more like Maxine Waters and nothing like Chuck Schumer. 

“First they refused service to the Nazis, and I spoke out, calling for civility. Then they refused service to the Nazi collaborators, and I spoke out again, calling for civility. Then they refused service to the Nazi enablers, and I couldn’t eat at my favorite restaurant anymore.” - Chuck Schumer

What fucking purpose does he serve?  Honestly?  His political instincts are shit.  He’s one of the most personally unlikable people in the goddamn government.  He’s utterly useless.  

It’s not just the white politicians. It’s all of the liberals. Centrists and liberals are rarely in it for everyone, and the whole Dem viewpoint of DECORUM! is idiocy.

It’s almost as though you, like so many millions of other Americans, are ignorant of a very real topic, but you and millions of other Americans still constantly misuse a buzzword derived from said topic and then have the gall to insult someone *correctly* using the word to talk about what it actually means.