
I dare they publish book reviews? Is there anything wrong or uncalled for there? Even if there were (and there isn’t), how does anything on that page preclude an accurate criticism of the Trump administration?

To say that the primary shouldn’t be contentious is to say that when the democratic party puts their candidate forward and ignores the actual people we should suck it up. That doesn’t help us either. If we don’t tell the party that moderates and centrists aren’t good enough we won’t get anything.

If the Democrats keep running on “Everything you like about the Repulbicans without the evil” then what is the point of the Democrats? If the house is burning down and you call the fire department and one half of the crew uses squirt guns while the other half sprays gas on it, then what was the point of calling them

Been told yall that the Democratic party is not your friend. I know it’s convenient in the Trump era to rally around the closest opposition, but we need to consider how to move forward once he’s gone- the dems are not an adequate replacement and there will be 4-8 years of them making many of the same mistakes with

Its funny how centerists dems and their water carriers bitch and moan constantly about how stupid and short sighted it is for progressives to even think of putting a candidate forward during an election where there is probably going to be a wave of democratic support. How it would never work. How it would hand the

Bernie would have won

Good lord, his feet were moving and he leaned into Durant, and people are complaining that it was called a block?

Why do people keep saying things like this? Does anyone other than myself remember that the game 1 starting lineup was Kyrie/Brown/Hayward/Tatum/Horford? Yeesh.


It’s going to be hilarious when they realize the decline in viewership wasn’t actually from Deplorable Nation.

Duh, they need to get you to “resist” so they can beat the shit out of you.

It’s sad to see that the Milwaukee Bucks released a statement completely supporting their player on the same day that the NFL owners released a dumb new institutionalized policy that tells their players they have to support the police-sanctioned abuse and murders of black Americans

I don’t understand this new wave of “My Fave Can’t Be Wrong”. You can like Issa Rae and think that she wrote a bunch of classist, racist bullshit and sold it as a joke. It’s not mutually exclusive. We don’t tolerate “Issa joke” when we don’t like the comic. We shit on Amy Schumer for her racist jokes. How about we

I’m sure there’s a German word for being pissed on someone else’s behalf but as someone married to a Filipino man, this is so fucking wrong.

Even if you’re ok with what she said about black men, are we gonna flex like she didn’t shit all over Filipinos and promote colorism even in her joke? Filipinos are the blacks of Asia and therefore don’t count is offensive as hell. You can love black women, hate R.Kelly, Cosby and not buy the new Ye AND think that

I hope this isn’t a pro-Joy post because Joy Reid has again refused to admit she made posts contributing to violence against gays, who were targeted by the government referenced in your saying and has spent the last three years plus proclaiming how evil a Socialist Jew is.

What does Glenn Greenwald have to do with this? (That’s a rhetorical question, by the way. He has nothing to do with it. He’s just your Twitter-rage hobby horse of the moment.)

It is no use pulling the “but Trump is a monster, this is a special case”-card. There has always been a monster on the other side. Nixon was the monster, Reagan was the monster, Bush Sr was the monster, the Shrub was a monster. The monsters have been getting bigger and uglier for decades, so when do we dig our heels

It is truly outrageous that anyone can look at the last thirty, forty years of American politics, and what happened in 2016 in particular, and determine that the problem with the Democratic Party is that “crazy progressives” have too much say. This country is fucking toast.

Could someone with authority please do something about this garbage fire comment thread?