
I’m a lifelong Dem voter, and I’m actively depressed at the current state of affairs. But...thank god Neera Tanden has no power and nothing to do with how the country is run. If trumpism is catastrophic for the Neeras, it’s hard not to think there might be something good about it.

I both love and hate twitter for exposing me to this whole host of vapid grifter sinecures who exist seemingly only to prop up the last remnants of long-discredited American exceptionalism.

Wondering how long it’ll take for the Neera-Defenders to find this comments section. Regina: I’m looking out for you, pal.

Not only naivete, but confirmation from CAP’s own rank and file that it was fundamentally part of the Clinton machine.

CAP is dealing with this serious issue very seriously in a “third way” sort of way. The right may think that this is all just office flirting. The left may think this is workplace sexual harassment. The third way thinks whatever the moneyed class wants them to think. Let’s find common ground, folks. Sexual harassment

Of all the grifters in and around the democratic party, Neera Tanden is the worst. She’s paid in the high six figures to get owned on twitter. She’s worse than Peter Daou.

Actually it proves that Obama had a tendency to hire too many republicans and that Comey hates the person that fired him. Also, Comey is making millions from this book.

Republicans have won the popular vote in a presidential election twice in the last 30 years (1988 & 2004), yet Republicans consistently drive policy. Major Democrat achievements during this time have mostly been re-branded Republican policies. This is not an accident.

Counterpoint: Klein doesn’t mean well at all. He is an incompetent, ethically challenged, overpaid tool much like his colleagues. It’s the only plausible explanation for garbage takes such as this:

the advantage of blaming voters for not voting for you is that it means you have never, under any circumstances, made a single mistake. you were just failed by those filthy fucking animals failing to understand what’s best for them

The primary is the most tactical time to bring it up. You have to defeat these losers before they get on the ballot, not just let them walk into a general election and get trounced.

That’s what you said in 2016. Look where it got us.

“The DCCC is who you can thank for the political might we have acquired over the past several decades”

In that the Democrats are at their lowest point since the end of the Reconstruction, this is entirely true. The loss of power and rise of people like Ryan, Bush, Cheney and Trump is fully on the Democratic

If the Republicans retain control of the House this year, it will be entirely on the DCCC. In some ways, it may be a good thing because such an overtly preventable fuckup could be just the thing to break the real liberals off from the Republican-lite Democrats completely.

SNAP also doesn’t cover premade food, unless you are elderly or disabled. So if you’re poor enough to receive it, good luck trying to find the time, energy, and mental focus to cook your healthy food after working two jobs.

I think rich people should stop feeling morally superior just because they have wealth.

You’ve clearly never been poor.

It’s one thing to teach people how to eat nutritious food. It’s another to forcibly restrict what kind of food they can buy. He’s wrong.

Ah, so the opposite of Tim Kaine. I like him already!

“President O’Malley” sounds like a joke name someone gives to a cat that they only ever actually refer to as “the cat”.