
For real. It boggles the mind that anyone can read this article, with its detailed citations of how many people have been murdered by hard-right groups since 2008, and still come away going “Yes, but let me tell you about a window that got broken on a protest once...” Meanwhile the right is just surrendering and

As near as I can tell, the violent leftists are only violent against fascists, while fascists are violent against the majority of America.

I just want to point out that the top comment on an article about american fascists is a rant about some leftist group in another country that has nothing to do with antifa or any antifascist groups here in the states and somehow y’all are okay with that? It’s a stretch of a smear against antifascists (and this

Embarrassed by what? Lol.. By your OWN explanation you are wrong... My VERY FIRST SENTENCE addresses ‘the subject of their complaint’. My SEPARATE complaint which you are NOT addressing is people like you doing the same thing that you do to people like Nina Turner and Cornell West who don’t agree with your bullshit.

I agree that he shouldn’t go on NRA TV but some of these takes are straight shit. Black people love to pile on don’t we? First off Sanders doesn’t have anything to do with this. A black man that supported him has the right to have his own opinions on shit. And this is one that they openly disagreed with each other on.

But can I still talk about how Clinton tried to label my peer group super predators and folks tried to gloss over it? Or do I have to pretend that didn’t happen?

If you think that a candidate’s vision is accurately articulated by policy bulletpoints on a website you’re more gullible than the “low information voters” you think you’re smarter than

He won’t debate her because he knows he sucks. Can’t let people find out!


Due to the overuse of these jokes, this one falls....flat.

Cuomo said in Manhattan: “We’re in a democracy, anybody can run, anybody can say whatever they want to say. ... This is the political silly season at an especially bizarre time in politics.”

crazy how so many beckys in this comment section are resorting to “lazy” as their first description of Michael Che - very much a black comic . . . just crazy.

Question for the comment section: how do y’all define “centrist”?

Because this whole “ok but he’s not a real centrist” thing going on is just...well, I’m honestly not sure what to make of it. It just seems like a bunch of sweating over semantics to try to distance “real centrists” from...well, people who hold positions

The Democrats are a party, not an ideology. If he runs as a Democrat, he’s a Democrat. They have no cohesive ideology.

No Labels says they are a group of and for centrists, and is claiming Lipinski’s win as one of their own. If taking shots at them qualifies as taking shots at centrists, that’s on them and the actual centrists who fail to disavow them, not Splinter’s writers.

This might be the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen on this site.

Seems like this should be a no-brainer for Democrats to get on board.

Do some fucking research on her political bonafides or take a fucking seat.

Elton John has turned into a problematic fuck on so many levels so who the hell cares if he endorsed Cuomo. Also, Nixon has worked in progressive politics for her entire adult life and has Zephyr Teachout as her finance chair. She is going to wipe the floor with Cuomo.

I’ll be looking forward to dealing with all the sexist Cuomobros.