
Are they though? Because I struggle through Chris Hayes’ show almost every night, and 4/5 he has on old Watergate prosecutors, CIA spooks, and some mouth-breathing NYC prosecutor, all panting about “election interference,” “collusion,” and “impeachment.”

until money gets out of politics, they don’t care. It’s not about moving the center of gravity in Congress. It’s just about getting elected to get donors, special interests and other stuff to give them lots of money. All they care about is the money. Both sides are guilty of this.

something something, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, something something, you are a russian troll, something something, you are just a pawn of Bernie Sanders and Susan Sarandon, something something.

Democrats don’t seem to remember that the vast majority of the US population votes Democrat. You don’t need to win over moderate Repubs, you need to actually inspire your base enough to want to get out and vote.

That was the tenor of 2016. People were mad and could keenly still feel the impacts of the recession.

And despite dire framing by outlets like Politico, which claimed Schumer “has to balance the needs of moderate caucus members who are desperate for a bipartisan accomplishment heading into brutal reelection races,”

In the wake of Conor Lamb’s victory, there were some headlines that suggested that candidates can win by “not criticizing fellow Democrats (and Trump)” openly.

Too busy trying to “gotcha” to notice that the second article includes multiple 3rd party sources?

Fuck that. There is no single president more responsible for the erosion of the social safety net than WJ Clinton. Third way bullshit has been shown time and time again to be a total electoral loser. I have no idea why democrats continue to dig up the corpse of Ronald Reagan and dance around with it. It’s not 1980

Party leadership shows up for the donor class. FOH with that “the party revolves around lifelong volunteers like yourself!!” bullshit

Speaking as a former resident, in New Hampshire (and, I’d argue, a lot of North East states) up until recently, the line between Democrats and Republicans was blurred, moreso than on the national level. Where there was disagreement, it was on fiscal matters. New Hampshire has a large amount of representation for its’

LOL. The ignorance is stunning.

The tough questions would be about his activism, not what he wears.

I’ve stopped and talked with a few of the demonstrators this week. Their morale is incredibly high and they believe they will win. I’m in awe of their solidarity and so grateful for the work they’re doing for all public employees.

Thanks for covering this. It should be getting way, way more attention.

“Socialism is Racist” has to be one of the weirdest takes in recent politics.

So, Maine has a great lady running for Governor. Her name is Betsy Sweet, she’s a longtime disability rights, women’s rights and LGBTQ rights activist, and previously served as the chief of staff to former Congressman Tom Andrews, who was one of the founders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus with Bernie Sanders.

I love how the “pragmatic” wing is quick to throw racism and classism around against their opponents, but is always either silent or dismissive on articles that show systematic racism and classism within the Party establishment, like this.

Good article. Gets to the heart of where not just this group but the whole Party’s gone wrong over the last 25 years (i.e. the Clinton era). “Money-as-viability”, the self-dealing....I read this stuff and I’m reminded of Henry paying tribute to Paulie in Goodfellas.

If anyone honestly believes that EMILY’s List’s refusal to support Flores wasn’t 100% completely and entirely driven by her support of Sanders, please let me know. I have an exciting beachfront property opportunity in Nebraska that I want to let you invest in.