
Def worth checking out. Also good for finding other lesser know left wing politics stuff. Ex: From the dude Trevor that they have on heard his podcast Champagne Sharks. Now look forward to it every week.

Congrats on learning about the 2 party system! Knowledge is power!

The Root should write an article about how Geithner doesn't owe us shit.

Posts like this baffle me. The crook won - and you’re seemingly happy about it but you still feel the need to rage in the comments.

The people on here complaining about what people buy with SNAP don’t really care about poor people’s health. They just want to control and punish them.

Must be a new talking point. Probably the same people that post about “purity tests” under every story.

Tim Kaine’s response, “Bernie Sanders no es Democrata”

Totally normal rational comment you’ve got here!

This article is pure propaganda. I wish gawker was still around.

Also seems really creepy and bad that she called the woman when this became a story.

Lol, PUTIN IS MAKING HER RUN! I really wish this was a joke but it seems like you are serious.

The “Let me speak to your manager” liberals (a lot of whom post on this site) claim that they are basically on the same side as people, but will cheer on their job loss to appeal to the right. They do this while people on the right never compromise with them on anything.

Your dipshit “logic” fools no one. Keep crying though.

Are you saying that Muslims shouldn’t run for office? Or that Keith couldn’t win a senate race? The people that you describe wouldn’t vote for your candidate anyways.

How would economic populism marginalize POC? Bernie’s economic ideas would have been the biggest wealth transfer to POC in the countries history.

TFW people are punching left but you’re just hoping the guy in the vid - follows his leader...

He’s offended the dumbest people on earth. Anyone that has a problem with anything he said understands the world as:

Secondhand smoke outside is not a thing.

A bunch of normal comments in this thread. Jane Sanders truthers!!!

I agree. This article sucks. The layout may be the same - but Gawker wouldn’t have published disingenuous shit like this.