
Read the article. 

politicians are not your friend

Maybe it’s not the reporting on Democrats doing horrible things that’s crushing voter enthusiasm. Maybe it’s Democrats doing horrible things that’s crushing voter enthusiasm.

It’s not “stepping on Dems” to admit that Democrats keep fucking up in increasingly bewildering fashion. It is stepping on indigenous peoples to do what she’s done. To excuse it because she’s one of your “friends” is pretty revealing.

Thanks, Nick. As an NDN a generation ahead of you, I am sorry you have to go through this.

Yeah, I’m still beyond flabbergasted at her decision to do this. I can’t, and won’t, even try to explain this one.

That 100+starred comment of some doofus dragging Katherine in the original article for having the temerity to go after Warren is aging so well.

Powerful piece, Nick. Thanks for writing.

This is not a game of Who’s More Native? It is a simple question of to whom Elizabeth Warren feels responsible to when she travels to Washington. If her record is any indication, it is not Native peoples.

Why is it that 90% of the comments on any given Splinter article are centrist libs whinging about the left? is right over there --->

Seriously, fuck off to another website already. It’s been the same tired bullshit for two years now. We voted for Hillary and we got fleeced and we have every fucking right to be pissed off about it.

It’s gonna be Bernie or Warren, sorry to disappoint you.

Lol who the fuck over at the DNC thought having this scolding weirdo do a speech at the ‘16 National Convention was a good idea? Whoever it was should be fired but considering it’s the DNC they were prolly promoted.

She had a better percentage of voters upstate, actually. New York runs a closed primary and a good portion of upstate voters are registered Republicans. Nixon's comparative popularity upstate puts a number on the support for progressive candidates by upstate Democratics. 

Liberals are fuckin wild

When did I ever say it was only a pejorative during his administration? I was noting the novelty of a Democratic president who had more criticism for the left, on this particular issue, than he ever did for the Blue Dog assholes and GOP scum who tried to hold it up the entire way through.

This was the key. Lieberman showed the party he didn’t care about them, so why wasn’t Lieberman thrown under the bus? Why didn’t every seated Democratic Senator get in front of a camera to say, “we could have this, except for this guy?”

Just don’t look at any of the other comments on this article by commenters who will have you believe that he folded like a cheap suit and settled for the first crappiest thing that came his way.

I’m quite familiar with the reclassification and what it meant. As someone who was involved with several im/migrant rights groups during Obama’s tenure (and still is), and was well aware of this issue under Bush, “Deporter-in-Chief” isn’t a designation that popped up in those communities because they just didn’t

Nobody bothered to say, “Bullshit Joe. You will let it pass or nothing you want ever will pass.” Everyone crumbled with, “Whelp! Joe said no, so that’s over!” There was no filibuster to stop. The Republicans didn’t have to go on record as using their only weapon. They never let it get anywhere near the edge because