
This screed is so dumb. Presuming you voted for Obama, do you personally feel responsible for all the civilians he droned? Nah you don’t care as long as your team wins.

At these marches these losers seemingly welcome neo-nazis. They allow people to sieg heil and waive nazi flags.

I’ll bet the person who posted this considers themselves “liberal”. Please keep that in mind going forward.

So you are going with the traditional “they were happy slaves” argument? Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others feel the same.

Punching down on people that actually organize against climate change seems like a brave way to make things better.

Whenever I hear this said, I always wonder if people know that the population has steadily increased over time.

They should make a statue of them in Portland. Hats off to anyone that puts themselves at risk to stand up for people, in a moment when they are being terrorized.

You seem confused. Maybe try reading a second book after you finish Gulag Archipelago.

Tom Perez is booed every time he tries to speak publicly but he was the “pragmatic” choice. If we stand for anything to the left of Simpson Bowles, we are assured we will lose by the people who lost everything and gave us trump.

So annoying when people take attention away from important things like “the team” to bring attention to frivolous things like children being murdered with no consequences.

This guy seems to be fueled by constantly being owned and humiliated.

Could also do with less “woke” billionaires. Countless examples of rich people thinking they are gonna solve this or that problem - often making things worse.

Thank god this person has a huge platform to talk about politics.

Just pointing out that many in the group you are chastising and accusing of not supporting politicians financially, are of the same group that raised $200 plus million for a primary. Seems an odd angle to take.

Bernie fans donate more than anyone. “The more you know...”

The “Bernie Bros” are not known to donate to canidates they support, unlike HRC fans who donated so much to her that she funded her campaign entirely on small donations.

The god that sucked

makes me mad that this was left off, why isn’t there a white chocolate entertainment television.

They don’t care that they are lying. They’re just trying to muddy the waters between appointments with their shrink to rail about Glenn Greenwald and Susan Sarandon.

Exactly and why even comment if you don’t know what your talking about.