
These men are cowards, Donny

More like “I thought I was a leader then I got punked on live tv”

Don’t get too sad, you’ll get laid one day

He’s good - at getting punched in the face and running away

America is already great!

You are not alone. Liberals seem to really show their true colors on this issue.

Why stop there? They should become president and really make a difference. Lol

You may not be... William Fucking Shakespeare but this is one hell of an article.

You are arguing in bad faith. He condemned Trump’s comments and then said that Trump manipulates the media by making ridiculous statements that dominate the news cycle. Is that not a true statement?

Please don’t spread “fake news”. Bernie has always been staunchly in favor of a woman’s right to chose for decades.

This is a great article.

The comments have been insane throughout this election. A bunch of people really excited about Wall Street democrats. So boring now. It’s like a political version of urban baby.

As someone who was thrilled to vote for Jill this makes me so happy! All these rubes that hated her donated 2 mil on this!

I took it more as a criticism of rich privelaged celibrities saying it.

Very chilling that this ghoul is one heartbeat away from replacing our new McPresident

Lol. Bloomberg sucks and wouldn’t have cracked 5 percent.

They are too focused on making vaguely antisemetic remarks and scapegoating others for the horror we now face - thanks to Hilllary.

Spot on. Ignoring that will lead to more losses for dems.

Bad even for this dummy. Tweeting from his “OBAMA-phone” that he purchased with RI tax dollars

I agree with everything you said. Most of the political discussions on here sounds like a bunch of dummies arguing about the Soxs and Yankees at this point. As far as I know Hillary has said nothing about cheating at one of the primary debates.