
I agree. I even think there was complicity by the campaign. They presumably allowed her to become the interim head of the DNC (well after this debate) knowing she lacked integrity. The fact that the HRC campaign (or Obama) will likely not address this is a slap in the face to many voters that donated to fund Bernies

Even if this had any relevance to the story (it does not) CNN also has Maria Cardona and Paul Begala.

At least she didn’t tell them to “Get a life”

Can’t wait for the spin on how this statement is sufficient!!!

Exactly. Also smug takes like this video influence no one.

No Wikileaks articles at all? I guess the new owners only allow for coverage of one side of the Hillary/Donald Goon Show.

People who question endless war and privatized everything are “the worst” to some people, it seems.

What politicians are leading on this issue? I can’t think of any.

Lol. “Who will speak for the insurance companies?”

If people were really so worried they should have voted for the stronger candidate.

So boring and pointless. Reminds of when people call in to sports radio shows and say “I played football in high school....”

Protest in private! Are they gonna privatize protests like schools?

Your self awareness to acknowledge that shows more character and strength than anything quoted above.

I agree. One of the best athlete interviews I ever heard.

I am probably in the minority but I think this issue is the liberal version of the “war on Christmas”. People constantly prop up this barely there flame war with no regard for Austistic people or parents. People care little that no one can tell parents why this happens but love to shout about the causes or non causes.

None of these people care either way. They just want to discredit any voice that it is not cheering for their team.

Jill bad, Hillary good! Please denounce your previous comments!

Also puzzling that you are more angry at the people being angry than either hill or Bill. I will concede that acknowledging this also makes my response puzzling..

I by “go after” them you mean they discredited him, only to advance Hillary’s campaign, and he said he respected both - Spot On!

A simple google search will leave you dazzled on it. Unless your just like glenn beck style “Asking questions”.