
I consider myself a liberal and I want nothing to do with neocons. Have you asked yourself where this is all going? Are you disturbed that all Rachel Maddow talks about constantly is Russia? Do you believe an armed conflict between Russia and the US is a good idea? Trying to restart the cold war is part and parcel of

Law enforcement is a tool of white supremacy. They openly collaborate with known white supremacists.

Anxiously awaiting the thinkpieces from our nations “leading” journalistic opinion writers:

I’m worried about the minority opinions thing most of all. Democracy Now, The Intercept, Counterpunch and others are some of the only outlets talking about fucked up stuff our government does. Without Net Neutrality, these can be suppressed and we’ll have no alternative to the corporate media. And politicians of both

Never go down the rabbit hole with Sixers fans about the process. You end up with thing like “Dario Saric the All Star.” I swear to god it’s one of the most insane sports things I’ve ever encountered. Joel Embidd might actually finish a season this year and he’s Wilt Chamberlain. Ben Simmons can’t shoot from more than

And telling a person who understands they live in what’s called a “representative democracy” to shut up and do what they’re told if they are dissatisfied with the representation they’re given isn’t stupid?

And the Democrats are standing back and shaking their heads sorrowfully, but you know—it’s just not the right time to deploy all this political capital they are supposedly building. But soon. Real soon. We promise. Any time now.

And one day the hill you need them to die on will come up for a vote, and they’ll fight for you just as strongly as they did for the DREAMers.

“Families wouldn’t be getting torn apart by ICE.”

Hmmm criminal records you say?

The Republicans do not have the votes in their own caucus to prevent a government shutdown. The Democrats literally have sufficient leverage to shut down the government until the Republicans accept their demands on DACA, which has over 80% support among the electorate according to recent polling.

Democrats deported almost 3 million people in 8 years the last time they were in power, which is a higher annual rate than the Trump administration’s first year. 

I’m sure that the people facing deportation to lands they’ve never known with no political party willing to stand in defense for them sympathize deeply with your sentiments.

The vast majority of the comments and article aren’t mentioning Bernie Sanders. The fact that you still bring him up in response to any criticism of Hillary Clinton in 2018 is just sad.

Yep, Hillary is the real victim here, totally.

DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF? We all must have fealty to anybody with a “D” after his or her name or we are an agent of Putin is that it?

Would you prefer him to the Republicans who have a lower Trump Score than he does (hint: that’s all of them)?

Man, the victory in Alabama is looking more and more worthless by the day. Doug Jones is voting like he thinks he can keep his Senate how he votes on shitty cabinet appointments now is going to affect even one vote in the 2020 election. As long as Jones is pro-choice, the Republican candidate will run a

He’s showing up in all of these lists. Every single vote he has cast thus far has been in Trump’s favour.