
Megan Kelly is the alt-right Oprah.

Well, it’s about time. I wonder how much time those folks spent in jail, and how many thousands of dollars they racked up defending their first Amendment rights against the possibility of 60 years in jail. After the other 59 folks are out, or have been sentenced, can they sue? God, I hope they do.

In the unending series of catastrophic coups that have befallen the USA, from the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Banksters’ Coup of 1999, the PNAC Patriot Act Coup of 2001, the ongoing MIC Perpetual War Coup of 2003, the TBTF TARP Coup of 2008, and the Citizens United Coup of 2009, it still amazes me that Americans have this

The central delusion of current America — people who make $50k see themselves as more aligned with those who make $500k than those who make $40k.

Now playing

Two-step,- I mean, points for the use of donnybrook. Because what’s a little blood between the ones we love, aye?

They’ve posted the same thing in several threads on this post, so I’m gonna have to assume that they’re serious. Unfortunately.

Do you know what a senator is?

She has more courage in her pinky finger than you have had in your entire life time. She’s a hero, of course she should run.

No, officers shooting unarmed people to death is the reason officers get a bad rep today in our country.

This is not “ONE case”. This is another point in an all-too-familiar pattern. This is an epidemic.

Did the officer shoot an unarmed man who was complying? The cop made up the bullshit about reaching for the waistband, just like the cop did hen they murdered that guy in the motel hallway.

Eh, I think a lot of people consider the Christmas slate of games to be the unofficial start of the “real” NBA season. Personally, I look forward to them.

We dont need to say i told you so. We can just point to Nov 2016 as evidence of the DNC’s gross incompetence. Keep making those posts bitching about “the left” and “Bernie bros”, youre doing more harm to the Dems than a Bernie bro ever did.

My eyes rolled so far they’re in the back of my head after reading “pod save america.”

I don’t think this is going to play out well for her. Not in today’s environment. Thank god.

Based on her understanding, J.K. Rowling is not only comfortable but “happy” to work with Johnny Depp? Did she not see the texts/tape or the pictures of Amber’s face? I’m guessing her and the filmmaker’s research into the whole thing consisted of making sure Amber can’t say anything else about the abuse based on her

You are aware that this isn’t going to have the effect you hope it does?

I’m sure many of these people are the same ones who think they’re too smart and make too much money to consider joining a union (because they are for poor and uneducated workers). Being shuttled to and from work, and getting free food, somehow puts you in a class above the common worker. Meanwhile, you’re still

The amount of shit you take here, for what amounts to fairly innocuous coverage of organized labor and the systemic (and the very successful) war that has been waged upon it for the last 4 decades is ...just depressing.

Wow, your comment plus the OP’s are excellent examples of why this country is in such shambles. First we’ve got the “completely misses the point guy,” then we’ve got the “things could be worse guy.” Yes, because we aren’t all from the exact same demographic we should just give up on working together (also, wtf is up