
1. Lecturers aren’t exactly empowered. They’re people with PhDs who get paid little and have no labor protection. They’re contract employees. Often enough they depend on public assistance.

1 and 5 humanities teachers are admitted Marxist according to Johnathan Haidt (liberal Professor Studying campus echo chambers, politics, and their basis in morality) while only 1 and 7 teachers self identifies as Republican.

I know Courtney from my MA at UNL, and she really isn’t a quickly triggered person. Anecdotes aside I would recommend you do a little more reading about what happened before sound like a fool defending the fascists for no reason.

Prof. Microagro shouldn’t have flipped her off. But,,, professor “Watchlist” is straight from the fascist playbook.

How is calling someone a fascist for recruiting for a far-right group and flipping them off a free speech issue?

None of those groups do this (from your linked article):

Articles like this are why third wave feminism is such a marketing tool for the right.

Thank you for taking responsibility Al. And thank you for your service.

I think you misunderstood me. What I’m saying is, I think it’s condescending that people keep giving Aaron Sorkin-y pats on the head to protestors. Either express solidarity with the cause, or don’t.

There was a donut emoji Twitter thread about this conspiracy theory in the days before NBC and NPR got access to the real agreement, but they’re fake news or whatever to these people.

Being beaten by Trump should have been the “come to Jesus moment”. Hell, we still haven’t received a proper post-mortem yet. You really think the DNC is going to change? It’s broken and it looks damn near unfixable. In fact, one can argue it’s getting worse. By reading the comments, folks are more than OK with the

The DNC DIDN’T work for down ballet candidates though. Just ask George Clooney, who raised all that money that was supposed to help Clinton AND down ballet candidates but, instead, was all directed to Clinton.

Why is it so important that Bernie isn’t a democrat? I see this refrain over and over again and I just cannot figure out why that matters. He needed their ballot line, so he ran in their primary.

but the lion’s share of those funds were rerouted directly to her campaign.

Democrat voters are, democrat politicians not so much. Kinda hard to honestly espouse populist-left policies and still rake in money from wall street.

Wow, this is a serious reach guys.

The Root still steady trying to make me hate Bernie.

These people are either paid to do this or who knows. This website is such a joke.

You can be both an ordinary American and a minority. They aren’t mutually exclusive, and I didn’t take his statement that way, either.

Most writers on these old gawker sites hate Bernie. I think they think he messed up Hilldog’s coronation.