
An interesting erasure of the Nina Turners, Winnie Wongs, Rhania Khaleks, Roseanne DeMoros, and every other progressive POC who’s working like hell to advance the left. They are many; they are progressives; they are doing great work.

Liberals don’t give a shit about Bernie Sanders at this point, and certainly don’t see him as the future of the Party.

People came forward before. It was literally front page news multiple times in the past.

To be honest, I’m not following this situation very closely; only peripherally. Did Weinstein dodge prosecution somehow? It seemed that this was an “open secret,” but no one came forward before.

Hard to call it “success,” but she’s certainly the one that more people are determined to shove at us the longest.

I just love the statement from 2006 that is was lefties who tore the Democratic party apart in the 60's and 70's. I had to look to make sure, but Chait was born in 1979. I was alive then. It was Democratic officials siccing dogs and fire hoses on civil rights marchers, and Democratic presidents sending hundreds of

Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.

Why are people so MAD about this? Name one thing Nancy Pelosi has ever done to change the way people are treated in this country besides spout catchphrases, vote on other people’s legislation and be outraged at all the right moments to appease smarmy White people.

dead on. The fucking status quo gave us Trump, so we have to do better

My understanding is that in making the DACA agreement that was offered they allowed significantly more security measures both at the border and the rest of the country.

While you have a point, the current solution of selling them all up a river and shouting from the shore “good luck, we believe in you!” is also probably not the best idea.

They didn’t ram through immigration reform in 2009 right after they rammed the ACA through..

Yeah, how dare they demand that their legislator make an effort to address their concerns, rather than meekly cheer a watered-down opening position that leaves their families at risk.

Pelosi shook hands with the devil. There’s usually a price associated with that, and it seems like these people know it. Compromise is a Democratic trait, however... when the other side approaches every negotiation with the intent to compromise on nothing and force hands... compromise simply is another word for

They don’t only run people for President.

I’m tired of hearing these bums cry “it’s a nice idea, but it’s too hard!”

Yes the guy who is leading the charge for medicare for all should definitely take a step back

Haha yeah sit down with Paul Ryan, whose sole mission in life is to destroy public healthcare, to find a compromise on funding Obamacare.

Ah yes, it’s the voters’ fault for the Democrats not running candidates who appealed to them in enough numbers to win elections. Definitely their fault. Nobody else’s.

As Secretary of State, her foreign policy was a miserable failure from just about every angle.