
She’s rich, she lived in the White House, she was a Senator, she’s influenced policy for a couple of decades, she gets tons of money just to show up and speak.... man, I really hope I can not get a break like this lady!

Now playing

Ellison was given a fake no-power position that was invented for the first time to cover the fact that 90% of rank-and-file Dems wanted him, but superdelegates overturned it:

Bernie didn’t lie about shit. And Hillary is NOT progressive!

No I just can’t believe someone would actually say that Hillary Clinton was a progressive candidate unironically.

And those same people that harp about the “purity test” will have a shit fit when they run a candidate, even in a state primary, that doesn’t live up their own purity test. Meanwhile you were a monster if you didn’t ignore Clinton’s flaws. Even if you put on your big girl panties and voted for her anyway.

And what candidate was that?

Getting it together would require doing something for the working and middle class of this country. They are too deep in the pockets of the banking and entertainment elite and too high off the ground in their ivory towers. They would have to betray their true base (neoliberal plutocrats) to actually do anything for

That is the problem, people have been doing that for years. We still haven’t seen the Democrats deliver any meaningful changes that didn’t benefit their corporate donors. It has been warned that this day was coming for decades now, but they never listened. The Democrats have been running on “you’ll vote for who we

Tom Perez sucks. He has been virtually invisible. For all of the people who wondered what the difference between him and Keith Ellison was, this is it. Ellison had young people and progressives—people who essentially bankrolled Bernie’s campaign—supporting him. And yet, the entrenched Dems and big money donors wanted

AND YET, people will surely come, defending them, refusing to admit just how shit they are, because apparently that’s not allowed. “You just want a purity test” or some such bullshit.

Just what I want to receive. Something that makes my heart leap to my throat and fills me with dread. Fuck the DNC. I bet you the well-paid person who made this has never received one of these letters. They are so disconnected from the lives and needs of most Americans. They represent the liberal elite rich, just like

Former military officer here... I hate the stupid anthem/flag waiving/We support the troops idiocy. It’s the lowest, easiest, and most obnoxious form of “patriotism”. Standing for 2 minutes before a sporting event doesn’t make you a patriot or ‘Murican. Trying to get real justice and equality for all this country’s

Yep, we clearly had at least four prominent and distinct blocs last time, as well as the ‘third parties.” If we had multiple parties like many European countries do, politicians would be forced to compromise and form alliances. But as stated, too many powerful people have too big a stake in keeping it two-party and

And all the while the people who should be outraged at it willingly subdues themselves for the sake of petty victories because so-and-so does one decent thing a year, so long as it means squeezing every last seat we can through merciless pandering rather than provide real and legitimate options outside of social

Here’s the other thread I was thinking of. Read the whole thing. Indivisible are trassssssh.

Thank you for not including contributing the ACLU on this list. We’ve now seen exactly where that money might go.

Show me a mass rally of leftists turning up with torches and killing and physically assaulting people within, say, the last 30 years.

The wealthy, after more than a century of owning the GOP, decided it would be cost-effective to own both parties and made moves to realize that goal. They still prefer Republican candidates winning, but they like to hedge their bets by also pulling the strings of the other side.

The fact that labor unions are taking a beating should be no surprise to anyone paying real attention to politics for the last 35 years.