
“suffered from many layoffs and plant closings.”

You realize that us vs them thing is built in to capitalism? As in it’s a feature not a bug? And that collective bargaining is a necessary feature of functional capitalism? Without it, there is no capitalism.

Its crazy because companies are so generous to their workers, especially the blue collar types.

Are you refering to the large Cuban population that has nuanced and complex thoughts regarding Cuba and it’s people, who are more than willing to debate and discuss differing viewpoints?

“It’s just a few bad apples. We swear.”

Do you think people are happy about Bernie Sanders applauding for, hugging, and dancing with John McCain? I’ve seen nothing but disappointment and disgust. I’ve seen literally no one defending it, in contrast to countless people defending Democrats for their actions.

This is outstanding, Libby.

Bernie did terrible with African-American voters in the South

This was a nice article but what is with the headline? Why do y’all love to position it as Bernie supporters vs women and POC? When he was the candidate of choice for POC under 40? Chill. It’s not an either/or thing and honestly, I’m tired of being erased despite really basic poll numbers being available right on the

That’s really a great look. Cussing in the face of a 62 year old HOFer because he said “yuck”. I generally hate social media bandwagons but I honestly lost some respect for Price over this. I guess these days $31m/year gets you a guy with an ERA of about 4.00 who wants to fight the media.

Neither do Democrats, since it seems most of them like this conservative health plan. It’s almost as if health insurance lobbying is clouding their judgement...

If I was going to levy a complaint against “the media” it would be this. YOU ARE NOT AND HAVE NOT BEEN PAYING ENOUGH FUCKING ATTENTION TO MISSISSIPPI. If you want to know how this is going to play out nationally, you need to look at what Mississippi did a year ago when it passed its religious freedom bill. If you want

yes but never forget that it took a slip of the tongue by Joe Biden to force the Dems the spring of 2000-F’in-12!

Probably because it’s slowly undermining the credibility of the media in this country. [...] It’s what this administration wants.

That is what they literally wrote, how else are we supposed to take it?

My eyes glazed over as soon as I saw the word “tech billionaires.”

Geez, I wonder why people didn’t buy the Democratic Party’s BS last election....

Just goes to show that it’s all bs. Politics is nothing but interactive theater.

The people protesting would be Trump supporters here btw. It’s the 1% of Venezuela, with the narrative that we get bent by the US State Department. The regime sucks according to our standards, and you can die just as easily here in the US from a canister, so it isn’t just an insane dictatorship repressing the people.

I agree with you, but there has been enough of the condemnation and CIA smoke blowing, and not enough of the facts that these protests are the Venezuelan equivalent of the young Alt Right here. Yet 95% of the stories and Reddit shit I see pretends that it is the poor who are rising up instead of the upper class who