
I love the cognitive dissonance in liberals when they read this “demonstrating against President Nicolas Maduro’s dictatorship” from an article about voting in an election and protesting against the government.

If the ROY trophy was a crutch and knee brace then you’d be spot on, but it’s not.

That’s why I’m waiting to see what happens in 2018 with new candidates chosen by groups that have come up to push a progressive agenda. You know, the “Berniecrats” or whatever people want to call them.

I keep seeing posts like “well, these deep red places surely wont vote progressives in, they wont even vote for moderates”. So lets just keep doing the same thing and losing elections.

No shit, Trump only won by 2 points.

Tom Perez should resign.

The neo liberal’s will sink this party the longer they hang around. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Corey Booker; worthless nincompoops who think playing the center is the way forward. All they want is, as Bernie said, is first class seats on the Titanic.

KS-04: Trump won by 27 points, James Thompson lost by 7 points. Lots of support from progressives, none till the last second by the DCCC. Result: Progressive gains 20 points

Whenever anyone starts their comment like this on cop shootings of POC, they (meaning YOU) most certainly DO have an opinion, and it’s inevitably a shitty, racist one.

some other headlines:

The Clinton/Obama/lanyard-toting crew should remember this: if any major league manager produced the winning record of the Democrats over the past eight years they’d be completely gone.

Clintonistas don’t like facts.


Get off your fucking high horse. How about next time don’t run a candidate that is under FBI investigation. Or maybe don’t run a candidate that literally half the fucking country hates. The vote-blue-no-matter-who people are fucking idiots and you sure sound like one.

And you know what? I want to say this, to make it clear.

Fuck off. The more information comes out, the more you’re proven to be full of shit. Over six million who voted for Obama went to Trump, and why? It wasn’t because Bernie! Edit: Let me guess, though. “Well they were sexist!” amirite?

People act as if they were playing on a level playing field. As if they started from the same position. People treat as if their primary was in a vacuum.

Is there any evidence that Bernie supporters didn’t vote for Clinton? No, there isn’t so stop parroting this line you stupid corporate troll.

The reality is that much of the Democratic leadership would rather have a president Trump than a president Sanders

Whew, bullying people into voting your way seems like a good new tactic that will definitely work. Keep it up!