
Yeah, she is a neoliberal shill. Who cares about her PR attempt to make you think she is a cool when she did everything to disparage Labours election chances. All because she was afraid her taxes would go up, hence her love for the filthy neoliberal “liberal democrat” party.

This woman hated Jeremy Corbyn so much she encouraged her legions to abandon the party she CLAIMS TO BE A MEMBER OF and vote Lib Dem. In an election that was this close.

Shank wrote the most glowing interview he could with Price. The media hasn’t done anything to him. The Globe is owned by John Henry for christs sake.

Manny should have been a first ballot hall of famer. Dude had the easiest swing. I don’t care about the PED’s, PED’s don’t make you as great of a hitter as Ramirez was (is).

Yeah! How dare liberals demand that someone face actual accountability for their casual racism! If only we let people white people say “nigger” with minimal consequences, Donal Trump would not have won!

Yes, because yelling at Green Party voters and blaming them for Trump is such a great way to get them to vote Democratic in 2020.

*Not pictured: The thousands of Obama voters who flipped to Trump or stayed home rather than vote for a neoliberal imperialist.

Yea, we should definitely blame the Green party. Truly, they owed their vote because it was Her Turn. How dare they vote (however foolishly) for what they believe.

Who is truly to blame? Those 6.5m Trump voters, not the 130k Green voters. But no no, keep throwing blame around - it never gets old this far out from the

And that there were progressive voters like me who cast their votes against Trump, not for Hilary.

That’s just the thing about “centrism”, though — it’s defined only by politicians’ ambition to increase their own personal power. If Rahm thinks “fuck teachers” is the most popular opinion wherever the center of the Overton Window happens to be in today’s hellish dystopia, then “fuck teachers” it shall be.

I’m split,

I think Ossoff will lose. I mean, he’s pretty generic.

Considering that Sanders won much of the industrial upper midwest, drawing (and continuing to draw) massive crowds and a groundswell of support, I’m not actually sure what point you’re trying to make here... Astonishingly, actual socialist policies draw massive support nationwide. Why don’t we try that instead of

If that’s true, they would’ve won in all the other years past 2006. They haven’t.

Democrats will never succeed by thinking that their ideas mean anything. We are a Republican nation. Democrats can only succeed by realizing they can’t succeed. If we must learn anything from 2016, it is that we need a Trump, Pence, McConnell and Ryan of our own.

There’s a case to be made that all that winning in 2006 undermined the party in the long run. Few of the candidates he picked are still in Congress, some of them turned back into Republicans the moment they stepped foot in Washington.

So he’s basically dressing the Republican party in Democrat clothes?

Man fuck this guy! AMIRITE?! This league is not for bullshit social justice warriors!

There goes ‘ol Maverick McCain again, taking a bold stand that puts America over the Republican Party.

He grabbed Love’s arm to allow his teammate to grab a rebound. It’s a foul, but something that happens a dozen times a game. It’s not Olynyk’s fault that Love is made of glass.

Their big mistake was clearly trading Terrance Ross for Serge Ibaka, when instead they should have traded him and Lowry for 2020 and 2021 second-round draft picks as part of a master plan to become a 50-win team sometime around 2026. Call it a process, if you wish. They’d have never had to play Lebron in the playoffs