
I am not taking down my sculpture of Ted Kazinsky! This is America and if I want to worship at the altar of some crazy lunatic, by gum I’m gonna!

I’m so angry my teammates don’t call out screens, I’m going to shove the guy who did his job. And yes, I would like to rest the next game as well.

She was referring specifically to DAPL, which Messing was not only not informed about but apparently unaware that her candidate Clinton supported it.

No she is not. She has her opinions. She articulates them clearly. She is not rude to other people. She is not a jerk about politics. The people complaining about her just don’t like her opinion.

No she didn’t. What a load of horseshit.

I love the person who incredulously asked him if he was a journalist.

How dare a speech therapist, who works with impoverished children and adults using medicaid, become offended when an article published on a feminist website attacks a white supremacist who has written about strategies on how to rape women for, not his views, but a very noticeable speech impediment.

But it’s not just about him. It’s also about people with lisps reading this and it making them feel like shit.

DeRay from BLM has the same view of charter schools as zuckerberg, do you think he ran as a republican?

She did try to normalize Glenn Beck.

Okay, let’s flip it: why would you presume that she had no say-so in the matter, unless you think that women are completely subservient to their husbands and have no authority in decision making for their families.

Bee has no control where her kids go?

ughhh it was so nice not having to listen to or think about Samantha Bee

This is actually not true.

The issue was the blatant hypocrisy that on the day of the Georgia special election Bernie made a point not to throw his support behind Jon Ossoff — because he wasn’t deemed progressive enough.

Did you criticize Clinton for her knuckleheaded move of being less pro-choice than Sanders when she still might have been president?

That that’s the line Clinton goes to explains why she’d pick Tim fucking Kaine. He’s keen on the first two, but especially keen on rarity (which is why he funnelled public money into crisis centers!), which nobody should give a fuck about.

i am sooo done with Bernie Sanders. did you know Hitler was a populist? i seriously can barely tell between single-payer healthcare and holocaust centers. economic justice?! more like economically shoving women into gas chambers. i used to be his #1 fan. i used to have statues made in his likeness. i used to have him

Part of the problem (in the US at least) is that the Democrats have turned their back on the middle class as well. You can thank Bill for that. When the common person doesn’t see their interests represented by your mainstream parties, shit like this happens. As much as it may pain you to admit it, the Democrats are

If you think cops think stopping fascists is part of their job, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.