
Pokahontas McGuigan retire bitch

Your asking people to trade their civil rights for your ideological purity against “Wall Street”? That’s not progressive.

She has consistently trailed the polls on her support for good causes. She didn’t even support gay marriage till 2013. When asked about it in 2007

What I’m saying is she had a career of middle of the road triangulation. It was going to take a lot to get past that, no words alone would have done it.

I’m saying when Clinton was asked about a $15 minimum wage she could have responded with something other than “how about $12?” I’m saying she could have not told a bunch of bankers how it was important for politicians to have separate public and private positions. I’m saying she could have staffed her campaign with

Remember when Obama had like 60 seats in the Senate and could barely pass Romney’s health care reform bill because of Blue Dogs? What I’m saying is, your strategy is working out great!

The left is gonna need something from the establishment beside, “you have to do everything we say and we aren’t going to listen to anything you say and if you don’t like it then it’s your fault when Republicans win.”

Go watch the Biden debate. That’s how you deal with an idiot who’s lying to you. Kaine brought nothing to the table, and in a debate/dog show against someone as boring/evil as Mike Pence he came off as so bland that people gave Pence the win.

You do know the Tea Party took over the entire government, right? We could do a hell of a lot worse than be the (sane) Left version of that.

It would be something if Chris Paul got out of the second round. Hell, I don’t even think they’ll be favored to get out of the first round this year.

“Violently resisting “The Man””?????

You know what would’ve happened if he’d just gotten off the plane and “pursue[d] [his] legal remedies later?” He’d have gotten his $800 or whatever and his lawyer would’ve been like “yeah dude, nothing I can do here,” and that would’ve been the end of it.

All you accomplish is you make a United security persons life worse and your dignity harmed.

Counter counterpoint: he has made all his legal remedies more valuable and effective by raising the stakes.

I think my increasing frustration with Jezebel is that it always seems to cover ‘first world/middle class issues’ and little else.

Ah yes, colluding with Russia by attacking its allies. That old chestnut.

Corporate America is built on cronyism. This is such a delusional comment. Corporate America loves Trump

+1 Billy from the block

All of capitalism is in massive denial! But it’s ok, gig economy something barter Bitcoin something!

Mid level seats for their next game against the Wizards cost around $300. That’s a lot of money to spend for Tristan Thompson.