
Yeah, Hillary lost the election because not enough celebrities spoke out.

Is there anything worse than having to defend someone like Trump?

oh man... I’d completely blocked out the Barack Hussein Obama thing. So freakin dumb. It’s just exhausting. Both sides now treat politics and elections like it’s the NBA Finals instead of something that actually matters. It’s just rival fanbases going back and forth seeing who can out-immature the other.

It’s like we only respect a women’s opinion if she agrees with us.

You obviously don’t know very much about what wikileaks has released.

The conspiracy theories become more and more elaborate!

Do you have a link to your statement:

Can you be a bit more specific? They release information that is leaked and vetted. And if they did have a “candidate” and they released info that hurt “their candidate”, wouldn’t that make you take them more seriously, not less?

Have any WikiLeaks releases ever been shown to be fabricated?

Honest question here - why would you not take them seriously?

Because Assange’s credibility & motives are questionable at best.

Honest question here - why would you not take them seriously?

Bring it.

The problem is that Bernie people wanted Ellison and even Clinton people like you thought he was a good choice, but the party was so loathe to throw a bone to the Sanders wing that they chose someone else despite popular grassroots support for Ellison. Choosing Ellison would have been a really easy way to unify and

If you don’t know what DWS (& Co.) did as last head of the DNC, in addition to the huge loss of Democratic power across the board, you should look into it.

She’s white and rich; she’ll get to fuck up over and over again.

Of course, Clinton is going to run again. Why do you think Perez was chosen?

It not Perez that’s the problem. It’s the people who voted for him. The left was lined up behind Ellison and once again the power players at the DNC said fuck the left like always. Yeah Ellison has baggage but the left was told told all of 2016 to ignore Clinton’s baggage and then the most flawed and baggage ridden

A Setback= losing a life-and-death election to a respected candidate from the other party. Absolute Defcon 6: Losing to the most unpopular president since they’ve started polling on such things, losing the House and the Senate, and being at a deficit in governors and state legislatures (including every single

After the crap the last head of the DNC pulled, yes.