
Lol. Mainstream Dems inability/unwillingness to do anything for disenfranchised communities is what gave us Trump. BLM and Occupy? Grievances against both parties, shunned by both parties.
Voters who came out for Obama and change stayed home in disgust eight years later, after seeing that the promises led to nothing

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.

Trade him to the celtics.

Cousins always do the shoving when we play flag football.

This doesn’t look biased towards the worker to me.

The mystifying thing: The state legislature is Illinois is controlled by Democrats.

Except you’re actually responding to a link I posted that clearly shows it wasn’t the same thing. In fact, it even says the person claiming it was the same thing was lying. In additional fact, the Washington Post issued a correction based on the lie. Sanders and Sanders affiliates paid 0 people a total $0 to troll.

Apples and oranges + a dash of lies.

Celtics fan weighing in - don’t know eff-all about the Bulls this year, but if Rajon effing Rondo is calling folks out like this?

Plus he was the one who was forced to come to Chicago after his demands were rejected by Miami decided to come to Chicago even though he and Butler play the same position. He’s also the one who, despite his aging game, decided not to develop an outside shot that would extend his career. But sure, blame the kids for

Ah, a strategy for failure. The Republicans aren’t going to buckle now.

>what does a no vote win progressives?

Democrats are great at losing, I don’t think this is part of a grander scheme.

I better get off her back. Not sure her “steel” spine can take me being on it.

She made the mistake of believing the intelligence community when they said Iraq was developing nukes.

Hillary “I voted yes for Iraq war” Clinton had a steel spine?

SoS Clinton helped hammer out the TPP and called it “the gold standard.” Under pressure from the left she had to backtrack and then begrudgingly, half-heartedly renounce it. Donald Trump withdrew from it within a couple of days of taking office. On this very small point you could argue that Trump is to the left of


No republican is going to switch sides on devos or someone because Carson passed 22-0 instead of 21-1. I just don’t get it.

I’m getting really pissed off with this whole ‘benefit of the doubt’ bullshit. When normal people apply for jobs with far fewer consequences to anything or anyone, employers don’t go ‘well you have zero experience so sure, why not?’ College graduates can’t get jobs that they are over qualified for, but these clowns