
Nope. Sometimes it’s necessary. Sometimes it’s required. I grew up in the punk scene. Even in the lefty haven that is Seattle we dealt with nazis at shows on a fairly regular basis. I think every punk scene did and probably still does have to put these bacteria in their place from time to time. The older punks here

I mean, that just seems like back pedaling. It wasn’t a secret...

No, no, a thousand times no. Anyone who thinks it’s possible to change the beliefs of a long-term committed neo-Nazi white supremacist like Richard Spencer is completely delusional. He isn’t a child. And you can’t reason with Nazis. Plus, for those who worry that this was a bad idea, plays into his hands, etc., I

She’s obviously not tho.

I’m pretty sure nazis prefer the masses to denounce violence, makes them much easier to control.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAH ahem. You know we shouldn’t reall--heheh, we shouldn’t encourage vio--heeheehee aaaahhhem. We should rise above--hehehehehhahahaahah AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!!

Nazi: We want to exterminate non-Aryans.

Giant fucking pussies, the lot of them.

Cut the shit. They’re empowered.

He was pressed for time.

Nazis: We would very much like to exterminate you.

Violence is never the answer.

No Isaiah Thomas is a bummer.

No Isaiah Thomas? Wow. He definitely should be a starter.

Obama has commuted the sentences of a great many nonviolent drug offenders and others imprisoned for non-violent offenses. Many if not most of them people of color. Just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Nope. He should never have been there in the first place and UC Davis has got to be out of their goddamn mind if they thought that would go down there without a fight. I’ll take left wing thug over outright bigot any day.

Canadian here. I take Canadian drugs all the time, and they’re super dangerous. The last one I took had a knife in it and now I’m dead.

This is just a lazy excuse to justify to their constituents why they voted against it. BUT THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO VOTE AGAINST IT UNLESS THEY ARE CORRUPT!!!