
This is your strategy? Acting like we’re being jerks for pointing out how a politician votes? It’s like you’re trying to make sure that dems learn nothing from this election.

ahh and the anti berners/hillbots are already playing nice I see, 2020 should be fun.

I listened to this guy yesterday when he was speaking at the hearings. Not impressed. He was very....”earnest” in his delivery - and not in a good way.

Maybe you should google “neo-liberalism” before you trash me for using the term.

Attitudes like this are just mind-boggling. The other person hasn’t said anything rude yet you come at them with this bs. Expressing your frustration over the election at a random person online doesn’t change reality. The person even agreed that Hilary was the better candidate and didn’t even vote for Trump so not

You are advocating the punishment of someone who exposed severe government malfeasance and you consider yourself a liberal?

True. But then we also have “liberals” who believe unsourced claims made by intelligence agencies, cheer on the imprisonment of whistleblowers, and support drone strikes.

lol I’m not a liberal and fuck authority, but “liberals” these days shouldn’t be able to use that word. You’re neo liberal at best, gnashing your teeth at a woman who did us a fucking favor exposing government crimes and corruption.

Thank you! Said exactly what I was thinking. I’ve seen a few different people in the past 24 hours or so who say something to the effect of, “I’m suuuuper liberal, but I think that our barbaric, deeply flawed justice system is absolutely peachy!”

He’s probably got ameeting or birthday party to attend.

Well, Bob, I wouldn’t say he’s MISSING the Knicks game.

“Nepotism isn’t bad when it’s someone I like,” says you here and Trump in DC. Both are wrong. In a democracy. The rest of us aren’t beholden to an elected official thinking their family is the best person for the job.

I don’t think it makes sense. I think that you are giving Hillary Clinton a break because you relate to her and like her and you don’t give Kushner a break because you don’t relate to him or like him.

a) Hillary had *zero* experience in health care or health management prior to her appointment to redesign national health care.

b) So...Nepotism is okay so long as you think the appointee is qualified?

(Disclaimer: NOT a Trump supporter {nor a Hillary supporter for that matter}.)

I’m wondering how all of the Hillary fans are going to excuse away the blatant Clinton nepotism while criticizing the blatant Trump nepotism in the same breath. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

You know that Jezebel isn’t a breaking news service, right? They’re not local news, or the AP, or the NY Times, and they only cover “current” events a couple times a day. Most of their content is about things that occured several days in the past. Their sister site Gizmodo covered it much more quickly, which made

“Yes if only more people went to law school we could finally solve all the worlds problems” — said no one ever

If you took out a loan to take your kid to a meaningless week 17 Vikings game, you’re probably far beyond reason.